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By that time it was really late and he said goodnight. Jeff locked the door again and stretched out on the bed. I was just stripping when there was a knock on the door. He sighed and got up to answer it. It was Rance.

"What time do you normally get up in the morning?" He asks.

"About eight a little before. Why?"

"You should make time to get up for breakfast. I'd make it for you but preferential treatment is a no-no." He looks at Jeff. "I'll know if you don't make sure he eats..."

"And break my legs if I don't take care of him. Right. Go to bed." Rance smiles and winks at me before leaving again. I chuckle and strip before getting into bed.

"I'm assuming he'll do that every night."

"No. He is allowed to visit each person every other day. He is not allowed to see the same person two days in a row."

"Let me guess, preferential treatment, jealousy that kind of thing?"

"Exactly." I went to sleep quickly. A full day of work three hours talking to Rance and I was exhausted. I got up and was good, after we were dressed I went down to the kitchen for breakfast. Jeff got the cooler of food for us. I was handed a plate of eggs sausage and toast with a glass of OJ and told to sit and eat.

"You were ready for me this morning. Did Jeff tell you to have food for me?" I ask the sweet cook. She laughed.

"It wasn't him. I was told by Rance to be sure I had breakfast ready for all seven of the Chosen and be sure they ate it. You are own your own the rest of the day he said but he wants you all to start off right just in case. I can tell he's worried that he'll have seven misses. It's his fifth try. That knot of his with you increases your chances but given he's tried five times for a total of thirty tries now. So far it never happened. I feel bad for the guy." I ate and frowned.

"I heard this was James third try with Rance."

"Yes." She confirmed. She smiled. "What about it?"

"Any insight as to why he's tried three times or that Rance chose him three times, or why he's not gotten pregnant after three tries."

"Well all I can tell is their history."

"They have history?"

"Careful." Jeff says. I frown at him. "Jealousy. His history with your potential mate doesn't matter."

"I'm not jealous." I say but he doesn't believe me I can tell. She shrugs.

"You'll have to ask Rance and see what he'll tell you." I nod and finish my food. After we're on our way I look at Jeff.

"I wasn't jealous I was just curious." He looks at me.

"Uh huh."

"I'm not jealous."

"Right so why were you scowling when she told you they had history?"

"I wasn't scowling." I object.

"You were too. And you are doing it again." I very deliberately straightened my face. He sighed. "I hate getting the jealous ones makes my job so much harder." I sighed.

"I'm not jealous." He just shakes his head and ignored me. But it's hard to really believe that when all day long I am thinking of them in every spare minute. Though I shouldn't be too surprised that Rance knew how James liked to be fucked said that they had history. I'm guessing they dated and don't now because Rance started the Sessions.

"For god sake please stop thinking about it." Jeff tells me as we're heading home. "It's been all day."

"Thinking about what?" I try.

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