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201 4 35

Still my birthday

// Quackity POV //

I sat on my new bed with my knees up to my chest, looking around at the packed boxes all over my room.
The sun shined through my window highlighting the dust floating in the air, I looked around the room and held my legs closer, biting my lip.

Papa said this would be a new start.
If that was a good start, I couldn't say... but I don't think it is, I miss my friends but they probably don't miss me...

I jumped as a knock came from my window and a shadow of someone loomed over my floor, I looked at the window and saw what looked like a boy my age. He knocked again and I went over to the window and opened it up.

"Hey! Final-" He stopped staring at me, he had a British accent and pretty brown eyes, "Who are you?" He cocked his head and looked around my room.

I just stared at him and shrugged.
"You don't know who you are?"

"Oh- I'm uh... Alexis-" I stepped away from the window as the boy sat down, letting his legs hang into my room, "Oh- you're not Jared."

"Wh....Jared?" I furrowed my eyebrows and continued staring at the boy looking me up and down.
"He wasss my friend who hasn't talked to me in a week," He folded his arms and rolled his eyes.

"O..oh... so... who are you?"
He stared at me for a few seconds and slammed his hand to his face, "Shoot- I'm sorry"
He laughed a little and put his hand out, "I'm Wilbur!"





// 10 Years Later //

I stomped up to my room and slammed the door shut, locking it as I heard my dads yell for me to come back downstairs, I went over to my bed, face-planting on the bed.

I heard a knock come from my window and I reluctantly pushed myself off the bed, falling down to the floor and getting back up walking over to the window, opening it up to Wilbur.

"Hello~ thici-"

"Don't fucking start this with me and stop looking at my ass." Wilbur rolled his eyes and sat down on my roof, resting his head in his hands and planting his elbows on my window.

"If I must."

"What do you want," I glanced over to my door and then back at him, resting my hand on my hip.


"You were grounded for punching Jared again, weren't you." I raised a brow at him and grinned as he continued to stare at me letting out a sigh.
"How'd you knowww," He whined to me.

"Because it's just so~ like you." I rolled my eyes and chuckled at his pouting face and opened my window up more, "Well come on, I'm not leaving my window open all day for you."
He laughed and crawled through my window, purposely making sure he was close to me.

I shut my window and felt Wilbur move closer to me and rest his head on mine, I rolled my eyes and cupped his face to push it off my head.
"You do realize you'll be in sooo much trouble when your parents realize you're gone, right?" 
I went over to my bed and sat down with Wilbur sitting down close to me.

"Yeeaaaa-" He laughed and put an arm around me, pulling me closer to him, "Worth it~"

I smiled and laughed a bit, swinging my legs onto his.
My doorknob jiggled and someone knocked on my door, "Duckling?"

I sighed and pressed my hand over Wilbur's mouth, standing up, "Whattttt"
Wilbur glared at me and folded his arms as he leaned into my hand.

"Can you come out, please? We just wanna talk about-"

"No, now leave me the fuck alone-" I glared at the door as a sigh came from the other side.
"Alright, well... please come out when you're ready to talk to us."

"Yep, okay-" I looked back at Wilbur who was cocking his brows at me, I heard my dad walk away and I removed my hand from Wilbur's mouth and stared at him as he stared back.

"Soo, what's going on this time?" Wilbur asked pulling me down onto the bed and holding me closer.

"Schlatt drama-" I sighed and leaned on Wilbur, softly smiling.

"You're still with him? Didn't you two-"

"Got back together."

"Whyyy thoughhh-" He rolled his eyes and fell back on my bed, almost pulling me down with him.

"Why not-"

"HE FUCKING PUNCHED YOU-" He sat up on his elbows and stared at me.

"Quiet the fuck down, my parents might hear you." I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"He. Punched you."


"The fuck do you mean so? He shouldn't be fucking punching you-"


"You deserve better." Wilbur folded his arms and looked away from me, "I could treat you better than that asshole." He mumbled something under his breath.







// 8 Years Later //

I laid my head down on the pillows and scrolled through my phone until I heard a knock at the window, I looked over at the window to see non-other than my husband, pressing his face to the window.

I stared at him for a few seconds before I got up and went over to the window, opening it up, "How'd you get on the roof-"

"Is that really important, I got you flowers~" He pulled a bouquet up and brought it to my face, brightly smiling at me. 

"Love. Couldn't you have just used the door?" I chuckled as he rolled his eyes.

"That's boringgg, plus isn't this more nostalgic~" He cupped my face and brought me down to his level, and kissed my cheek.

"You mean when you knocked on my window and called me Jared?" I laughed and pulled Wilbur through the window and he held onto my waist pulling me closer, "In my defense, that was his room." He chuckled and kissed my face, lightly nibbling on it. 


-Word Count: 950-

Story 2

As of writing this (March 5th) I just went on a walk and I am ready to fucking die-

I hope you all have a wonderful Day/Afternoon/Night
Make sure you eat something and drink your holy water!

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