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// Third Person POV //

Tommy stood by the door, jumping up and down while his brothers stood in the kitchen, "The fuck kind of drugs did he take-" Wilbur mumbled taking a sip of his coffee.
Techno shrugged and leaned back on the counter, taking a big sip of his coffee.

Phil tiredly walked out of his room and into the kitchen, dragging his wings behind him.
"DADZA!" Tommy rushed over to his father with his wings lightly twitching behind him.

"Tommy- ay mate-" He yawned, grabbing the coffee pot to pour himself a drink, "What you so excited about, mate?" Tommy calmed down a bit and stared at him, "You're teaching me how to fly... remember-"

Phil stared back and glanced over at Wilbur who was glaring at his younger brother, "Right-" Phil looked back at Tommy and took a long sip of his coffee before setting it down in the sink, "Are you sure you're ready?"

"YEA!" He smiled, bouncing on his feet again, "Alright.." Phil sighed and cracked his neck, "Give me a minute, mate." He sighed and walked back to his room and Tommy watched him leave with more excitement emerging from his bouncing body.

"So, you're gonna learn to fly?" Wilbur questioned, bringing his mug up to his mouth, Tommy frantically nodded and Wilbur chuckled, "Good luck with that." He rolled his eyes and flicked his tail in annoyance.

"What..?" He mumbled, folding his wings inward.
"You'll have to be careful.. he's just gonna push you off the roof and hope you learn something," A small chaotic grin formed on his face as Tommy's brows furrowed in fear, "Wha....what-"

"Yeah..." He widened his eyes and set his coffee down, "He'll just take you up onto the roof and push you off," His smile widened as Tommy tensed his body, "Re...really...?"

"Yeah, he did it with me.. and I almost died," His tail slowly swung from side to side as Tommy looked at Techno to see if Wilbur was lying.
"Yeahh, and Phil will just leave you on the ground if you fail."

Phil walked back into the kitchen, "Alright, Toms. You rea-" He stopped when he saw that Tommy was shaking and Wilbur had a grin on his face, "What did you tell him." Phil sighed and walked over to Tommy, hugging him.

"Nothing really. Just preparing him for the reality of what's gonna happen to him."

"Wil. How many times will I have to tell you? You couldn't do it because your wings were defective." His brows furrowed and Wilbur folded his arms glaring out the window.

"Wait- what?" Tommy looked at Phil and then up at Wilbur, "Are my wings defective?"
Tommy twitched his wings a bit, "No mate, Wilbur just got unlucky and he's salty about that." He patted Tommy back and Wilbur snapped his tail, grabbing his coffee that had started smoking.

"I mean.. you did push him off a roof-" Techno shrugged, looking at Phil, "Because that's how you learn."

"Natural selection. Fun." Techno chuckled and Tommy stared back at Phil, "Please tell me I won't be selected..."
Wilbur grunted and wrapped his tail around his leg, "You might... but your wings are a bit more healthy and lively than your brothers-" Phil carefully stretched out one of Tommy's wings, "Plus, I'm gonna ease you into it more-" He cracked his back and glanced at Wilbur then back at Tommy, "It'll be better if you're more prepared for it-"




== A Few Years Ago ==

"PHILLLLLL" Wilbur ran around the house looking for his father, "Wil?" Phil looked around and hugged his son, "What is it, bud?"

"I wanna fly!" He had a bright smile on his face as he stared up at his father, "Oh, yeah?" He chuckled and stood up, "You think you're ready...?" He eyed his son's shriveled wings and then looked back at him, trying to keep a smile on his face.

"Yeah!" The amount of joy in his voice made it hard for Phil to deny him the ability to learn, "Alright then... come on-" He walked over to a closet and opened the door to a ladder that lead up to the roof, "Woah-"

"Come on, mate." He climbed up the ladder and waited until Wilbur joined him, "You sure you're ready?" The younger frantically nodded with a big grin on his face.
"Allright..." He mumbled and walked over to the edge.

"You're positive?" Wilbur walked over next to him and nodded, "Soo... what do I do-"
"I'm gonna count to three... okay?"

Wilbur nodded, "Okay!"
"One... two.. three-" He pushed Wilbur off and listened as he screamed, making Phil panic and dive down to try and save his son, but he was a little too late.
"WIL? MATE?" He fell onto his knees and turned Wilbur onto his back, making sure he was alive.

He groaned and tensed his boy, slowly opening his eyes.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" Techno and Trixtin rushed out of the house and to Wilbur and Phil, "He wanted to fly-" Phil was panicking a bit as he continued to make sure Wilbur was still breathing.

"AND YOU LET HIM?" Trixtin shouted, running over to her son, "I COULDN'T SAY NO TO HIM- HE WAS SO FUCKING EXCITED-" Phil sat Wilbur up and held his arm to Wilbur's chest, "You okay, mate?"

Wilbur stared down at the snow-covered ground and let tears stream down his face, "Okay- let's get inside." Phil stood up and picked up Wilbur to bring him inside by the fire.


-Word Count: 888- 

Only one of you will be confused by why this is what I uploaded.
It's because my Chromebook is about to die and my charger doesn't work :]

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