Death of a child/Egg

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Sooo, this is based off of the QSMP. I didn't think I'd want to watch it but now I am invested-
So~ you all must suffer <3

Implied death
Attemted child/egg murder :D

// Third Person POV //

The moon shined brightly in the night sky, perfectly reflecting on the flowing river, reflecting the smoke that danced in the wind, fading away into the air as it circled to the moon.
Quackity stared at himself in the water's reflection, glaring at himself before bending his cigarette to throw at the water. Sending rippels away from his face, leaving the bud just floating in the water.

"Quackity." A deep British voice approached the hybrid and stood just behind him with his hands in his pockets, "Why are you still out here," He asked looking down at the water, "Are you really poluting the river already? You've been here for 2 bloody hours." He walked over to the river and crouched down to grab the cigarette.

"Fuck off." Quackity's wings folded inward as tears filled his eyes, he dropped his head forward and gripped his own wrist, clawing it.
"Q, stop doing that." Wilbur grabbed his hand and pulled it towards him, earning a glare from Quackity.

"Are you gonna come inside or what?" Wilbur motioned back to his house, staring at Quackity, "Why would I fucking want to stay in your... crappy ass... fucking... stuipd house-" He stumbled on his words, glaring at the house.

"Uh-huh. So you would rather sit out here in the pouring rain, crying to yourself?" Wilbur stood up and stared down at Quackity as he looked up into the sky, "It's not raining, dumbass."

"It will be, now come on. I don't want you getting sick." Wilbur folded his arms and narrowed his eyes as Quackity stayed put, "Maybe I do. Then I could just fucking die already." He pulled his knees up to his chest and dug his nails into his legs.

Wilbur sighed and moved closer to the crying duck, "You don't mean that, Quackity. Now come on-" He crouched down and picked Quackity up onto his feet, "Yes I do," He grumbled, glaring at Wilbur's reflection in the water.

He sighed and grabbed Quackity's hand, dragging him to the house.
The shorter tried to resist, digging his heels into the dirt, "Noo, just fucking leave mee," He complained, being dragged inside.

"No. Now stop pouting." Wilbur shut and locked the door behind them and Quackity glared at him, going over to sit down on the only chair in the room.
"What's going on?" A little girl's voice spoke from the bed.

"Nothing, Tallulah. Go to sleep," Wilbur walked over to the bed and tucked her in, "Good night."
He kissed her forehead and walked over to Quackity, standing next to him.
"Your house sucks," He mumbled under his breath, glaring up at Wilbur.

"Mhm, so you've said," He whispered, sliding down the wall to sit down on the floor, "Do you just sit here all night and watch your daughter sleep?" Quackity grumbled, glaring over at Wilbur who nodded, "Not much else to do untilI eventually fall asleep."

"That's weird... at least I slept somewhere when Tilin would sleep... and not stare at him like a weirdo." Quackity folded his arms and leaned back in the chair, glaring at the floor, "Well I work with what I've got right now." Wilbur rolled his eyes and looked up at the roof as raindrops tapped on it.

"You've got shit."

"I've got a kid." Wilbur snapped back without really thinking about what he had said. Quackity slowly turned to look at him with hide eyes, "What was that?" He sat up in the chair and furrowed his brows at Wilbur.

"I said I've got a kid whom I need to take care off." He glared back, warping his own words ever so slightly, not wanting to upset his unstable friend more.
"Yeah... you fucking do, don't you." Quackity looked back at Tallulah and clenched his fist, listening to the rain pouring outside.

Once Wilbur was passed out on the floor, quietly snoring, Quackity got up from the chair and slowly walked over to Tallulah, staring down at her with cold dead eyes.
'He has a kid huh...' He thought to himself, watching the girl as she peacefully slept. (666)

'How would you feel if she died... and you weren't there to help her...'
Tears flooded his eyes as he reached for his sword and pulled it out of his belt, still staring at the girl. He raised the sword up before stopping as he watched the child tense up, lowering his sword to his side.

His eyes widened as he imagined Tilin in the bed, peacefully sleeping.
More tears flooded his eyes and rolled down his face, landing on the blankets that covers the child.
'I can't fucking do this...' He backed away from the bed, covering his mouth to quiet himself as he continued to stare at Tallulah through his watery eyes.

"Lo siento mucho..." He mumbled under his breath, trying to not break down crying in the middle of the house.
Before that could happen he rushed out of the house, trying to not wake anyone up as he did so.
He shut the door behind him and then ran off, the rain murging with the tears the rolled down his face.

Once the door shut Tallulah opener her eyes and jolted up in bed, staring at the door, her heart was racing as she looked towards her father who was dead asleep on the floor.
'Was... he going to kill me?' She questioned, looking down at the tear stains on her bed.

'Well... at least he didn't?... I probably shouldn't tell dad about that- or should I.' She looked back at her dad, the door and then her blanket, 'Eh, I'll figure that out in the morning.'


-Word Count: 946-

I like this ngl, and I hope you do too!

I also hope you all have an amazing Day/Afternoon/Night
Make sure you eat something and drink your holy water!!

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