~im still here~

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type-angst + fluff

Max, y/n, Dustin, Lucas and Steve were all in Steve's car driving to Hawkins cemetery. Max had given out letters to everyone incase her plan didn't work. In the car ride max looked straight ahead trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. She could tell y/n was mad about the letters. Why wouldn't she just speak to her? Why would she assume the worst? What is going on with her? So many questions flooded y/n's head. Max grabbed her walkman and started playing music. Y/n could tell something happened back at Max's house. Was it another vision?

"What are you listening to?" y/n asked looking at max. No reply. Maybe she didn't hear me? Y/n thought. She repeats her question.

"What are you listening to max?" Max took off her headphones but avoided eye contact.

"Nothing.. it doesn't matter we're almost there" max says getting frustrated.
Y/n looks down to her lap and plays with her jacket sleeves. The two avoided eye contact. Y/n places her hand on Max's. Max doesn't move or react to it. She then placed her head on Max's shoulder. A few seconds later max gently nudged y/n's head off her shoulder. Y/n takes the hint and scoots closer to the window looking out if it. Max cringes at herself a bit. Why did I do that? She probably thinks I hate her or something max thinks to herself.

"Turn here" max says.

"Are you sure?" Steve replies.

"Yes turn" max states more annoyed. Steve turns into the cemetery and parks up on the curb.

"I won't be long stay here" max said getting out of the car. Y/n follows.

"Y/n please just wait in the car" max says walking toward the cemetery.

"Max please just listen." Y/n responds. Max turns around

"Max look I know something happened back there with your mom... was it... vecna?"

"I told you I'm fine okay? Well as fine as someone hurdling towards a gruesome death can be" Max says putting on a fake smile.

"Max.... You know you can talk to me, right?" Y/n says calmly.

"Yeah I know"

"Okay then why do you keep pushing me away?" Y/n grabs the envelope out of her pocket.

"I don't need a letter.. I don't want a letter please just talk to me.. to your friends.. we're right here.. I'm right here."

Max tries to avoid eye contact she can't face lying to y/n even if it's for the best.

"Just wait in the car okay I won't be long" max says walking off. Y/n follows max with her eyes standing there still comprehending what just happened. Y/n then goes back to car and leans up against it. Max goes to Billy's grave and reads him her letter.

"I'm calling it" Steve says

"Just give her time okay" Lucas replies.

"It's been long enough, if she wants a lawyer she can get one." Steve says jogging towards max.

"Hey max time to giddy up yeah?" Steve says. No answer.

"Hello max, can you hear me?" Still no answer.

"Y/N GUYS SOMETHINGS WRONG" Steve shouts. The group runs over y/n getting there first. She kneels down beside her trying to shake her awake.

"MAX MAX CAN YOU HEAR ME" y/n shouts

Dustin, Lucas and Steve all start shouting.

"COME OM MAX I CANT LOOSE YOU NOT AGAIN" y/n says tearing up. Steve grabs Dustin by his shirt.

"GO CALL NANCY AND ROBIN" Steve says panicking. Dustin runs to the car to call for help.

"COME ON MAX" Lucas shouts

Y/n shouts.


"WHAT?" Steve shouts.

"ROBIN SAID- THERES NO TIME TO EXPLAIN WHATS HER FAVOURITE SONG!!" Dustin yells. Dustin then spreads all of the cassettes out on the floor from Max's bag.


"THIS!" Y/n screams. Lucas opens up the cassette and puts the tape into the walkman.

"NOW" Steve shouts. Y/n presses play.

Meanwhile with max, she sees the portal open up and everyone screaming for her to wake up. Vecna then puts his hand over Max's face and his eyes roll to the back of his head, Max's eyes following.

Max starts lifting up into the air, the group falling backwards at the pure shock of what's happening.

"MAX NO!" Y/n shouts.

"MAX!" The group screams.

Max thinks back to all the good memories. Sneaking into y/n's window,
Teaching y/n how to skate, the party stargazing together, el and her at the mall, everyone hanging out in mikes basement, max, el and y/n taking pictures in the photo booth together, her and Lucas at the snowball, y/n hugging max, el hugging max goodbye, will drawing with max, y/n asleep on Max's shoulder, the party watching a movie together, getting ice cream from scoops, memories of her at the beach when she was younger playing in the sand with her dad, y/n kissing her. Max comes out of her trance and pulls one of the vines out of vecnas neck making him flinch backwards in pain. She runs, runs for her life, runs for the party, runs to be with
y/n avoiding vecnas rocks he's launching at her from the sky trying not to get hit, being careful not to stand on vines, she gets closer and closer towards the opening tears streaming down her face, focused on one thing and one thing only being back with her friends. She runs into the portal and everything stops.

Max suddenly opens her eyes and falls to the ground. Y/n grabs her and pulls her into her arms.

"Max it's okay it's okay I'm here I've got you your safe, I thought I lost you!" A sense of relief comes over the group as they all hug and surround max.

"I'm still.... I'm still here" max says out of breath still terrified by her experience. The party hugs her and makes sure she's okay before getting back into the car. Dustin picks up all the tapes and puts them back in Max's backpack while Steve helps max to the car. On the journey home max kept her headphones on and held y/n's hand, she placed her head on
y/n's shoulder until they got back to Mike's house.

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