Chapter 8: The Darkest Hour

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A/n song that goes with the chapter. Sorry for the wait, I went on a vacation for a few days and I've been trying to work on this book whenever I get the chance. Have a good day/night and enjoy this chapter.

Y/n's Pov:

Yelling and roaring was heard all round me. I was back on Dragon island battling the Red Death.

"Hiccup! She's getting to close for comfort." I yelled

"Stay with us, just a little bit longer. Come on, we need to take her down. This my chance to prove to the whole village that I'm not some talking fishbone." Hiccup said

"We're with you." I said

D/n roared and so did Toothless. We then dove out from the clouds and towards the island.

The Red death tried opening her wings but they were tearing. D/n and Toothless both shot into her mouth and just before they hit the ground pulled up.

When the Red Death hit the ground it caused a massive explosion. We were both trying to fly out of there. But Hiccup and Toothless ran into its spiked tail. Toothless was a bit dazed but flew after his best friend.

"No, Hiccup! Toothless!" I yelled

D/n was able to avoid getting hit but I got hit really bad on my arm and we dive down after Hiccup and Toothless into the flames.

3rd Person Pov:

After searching for hours the ninja were able to find Y/n and D/n when they were buried under the snow. This was thanks to D/n shooting the snow above him and Y/n.

They were able to bring the two of them back up to the Bounty safely.

"Sensei, will she be alright?" Nya asked

"In the meantime yes, I gave her some healing tea and Misako has wrapped her wounds. Though she has a few severe injuries, she should recover." Sensei Wu said

"That's good, we can't lose anyone else in this fight." Kai said

"Um, is she supposed to be tossing and turning right now?" Jay asked

"No, but my sensors indicate that her stress level is rising and so is her temperature at a very fast rate." Zane said

"I don't think that's a good sign. Is it?" Cole asked

"No it's not. Nya could you please get me a cold wash cloth." Misako asked

"Of course." Nya said

She than left the room before coming back a few minutes later.

"Thank you." Misako said

She than layed the washcloth on Y/n's forehead.

"Zane, any changes?" Misako asked

"Both temperature and stress levels are going down." Zane said after a minute

"Good, now we can focus on getting to my father's tomb." Sensei Wu said

"I'll stay here with Y/n. Keep an eye on her." Misako said

"Alright, that means you boys are going to fortify the place while I look for the tombs whereabouts." Sensei Wu said

The boys left only leaving Nya and Misako.

"You know Nya, you should practice controlling the water, Nya. You know you won't get any better if you don't practice." Misako said

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