cheater, cheater.*

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summary: y/n's boyfriend cheats on her and overprotective bestie carl is there for her in the exact way she needs.
warnings: 🚨steven🚨(i think that's the biggest warning tbh) also if you've ever walked in on a partner cheating on you this might be a little triggering so maybe skip this one if that's a sensitive subject, smut obvi, maybe there will be some outdoor frisky time in this one🤭 also voyeurism😭

you sat on your bed, clutching your chest. you couldn't believe it, he was really cheating on you. steven was really cheating on you. you didn't quite believe it until you quite literally caught him in the act around 20mins ago, if that. you walked into his house, excited to surprise him with a birthday cake you made him from scratch. you hadn't seen him all day, as you were busy working with some other people in alexandria, and you were so excited to surprise him, but instead, he really did surprise you.

     you sobbed as tears fell onto your lap. your eyes were puffy and pink, and your lips were swollen. you wiped your tears from your face, you couldn't help but think of it all over and over.


     "im so excited to take this to him. thanks for the recipe, carol." you excitedly said this as you left her house and began to walk to stevens. you hadn't seen him all day and you were excited to surprise him. you liked to do romantic things like this and steven normally would appreciate it, but today i guess was different. you walked up the porch steps, knocking on the door. no answer. you opened the door to his house, immediately noticing clothes on the floor. a jacket. this didn't strike you as odd at first, until you heard something upstairs. a thumping sound, then a sound of something hard against the wall or the floor, you couldn't quite tell.

    you were sort of worried there was something wrong, but you were more worried that something else was happening up there. but steven wouldn't do that, he wouldn't. (spoiler: he would) you began to walk up the stairs quietly, not wanting to disturb whatever was happening, just in case. you reached the top of the stairs, cake in hand. you nearly stopped dead in your tracks as you heard a voice, a feminine voice. that obviously wasn't steven. you took a deep breath as you heard muffled sounds coming from behind the door.

      you walked towards the door, the sounds getting louder. you took one hand off of the cake and slowly moved the shaky hand to the doorknob. you turned it and opened the door, and what you saw was incredibly heart breaking. there he was, steven, that dumb prick was fucking this girl who had her legs spread up in the air. he was sweating and grunting as he thrusted into her quickly. basically jackhammering, he never was good at sex. the girl was practically wailing at this point until she looked over at you standing in the doorway. you felt like time stopped.

      "oh god, steven. stop- stop she's- she's right there." the girls face immediately dropped as she saw you. big change from obnoxiously screaming stevens name and dramatically moaning to a straight, slightly terrified face. as soon as he looked over to you, you quite literally wanted to burst into tears right then and there. you dropped the cake out of your hands and stared, your breathing getting heavier and heavier. steven began to try and apologize and cover for himself by immediately apologizing, but there was no point, as you didn't even realize that he was even saying much, your world was in slow motion, you just heard both of their voices as muffled sounds. you blinked away your tears and turned around and ran down the stairs. he started hopping around the room as he tried to put on his underwear. what a guy.

     "y/n! wait! i can explain! i didn't even want to do it baby! baby- i'm sorry! please, don't- don't leave!" he started chasing you down the stairs, but you were already almost back to your house. it had been a long time since you ran like that. you opened your door quickly and slammed it behind you, locking it as soon as you were on the other side. you then ran up to your room and slammed that door as well, immediately throwing yourself on your bed and sobbing, weeping.

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