road trip pt.2*

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summary: y/n and carl head back to alexandria and on the way they finally let their romance happen.

warnings: smut

you had helped the bird and were nursing it back to health, thankfully it was just dazed and needed some care, so you did just that. you had gotten dressed for the day after you made a little place for the bird to be in some random box you had found stuffed in a cabinet in the rv. you decided to go for something with good coverage to dress in since you would be searching the small town today, even though it felt like satans fiery asshole outside.

you slipped your tightly clung black t shirt on and your black cargo pants. you pulled some fresh socks over your feet along with your boots. you were ready for the day, but honestly your mind was still occupied with carl, and his mind was still occupied with you, which would make for an interesting day.

"you ready to get moving?" carl walked from the back room where he changed into his day clothes as well, adorning a white t shirt, a pair of jeans and converse, and of course a flannel to tie it all together. his infamous hat on his head. his hair was long and silky, and he had a fresh new bandage over his eye. how did he look like an absolute god?

"yeah, i'm ready if you're ready." you said this, looking up at him where he stopped next to you. you were sitting at the table with the bird who was slowly getting better. him looking down at you was something that made your heart jump, and you looking up at him did the same thing to him. he cleared his throat.

"alright, let's go." carl turned around and walked to the drivers seat. you nodded and got up to put your holsters on. you had one that went around your chest and one around your waist. your machete and smaller knife were on your belt holster and your two guns were on your chest holster. it was sort of your signature thing at this point, you've had them for so long. carl started up the rv and began to pull out of the pond area and back onto the dirt road to get back to the highway.

you sat with the bird, staring at it, sort of losing focus because of it. you zoned out on it until you heard carl huff.

"um, i don't know which way we came in it was too dark last night, i need some help with the map." carl looked back at you and said this. you nodded, getting up and walking towards carl. he shook out the map in his hands, holding it out for you both to look at.

"well, here's the pond, and here's the fork in the road," you pointed to the map.

"so that means we're right here," you pointed again.

"right." he said this with a nod.

"so it looks like this road hooks around and follows the highway and leads to the crossroads, and this road to the left must've been the one we took in here," you looked at the dirt on the road.

"and those are our tire tracks. so basically it's your choice on whether you want to back track to take the highway or the dirt road that follows it, but either way, they'll go to the same place." you looked at carl. you were leaned down to talk to him. he looked up to you, nodding. you two made eye contact immediately and you didn't notice how long you had been staring at each other for, your faces inching closer together. you didn't notice until you heard a walker outside of the rv. you both snapped out of it.

"um, yeah. uh, we'll just go straight, it'll be quicker." carl cleared his throat again. you nodded and walked back to your respective seat in the rv. carl had let his head fall back and hit the seat, mentally cursing himself. it was so difficult for you two to just stay neutral with each other. he had so much self control but you made it difficult.

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