gentle & submissive*

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summary: carl is a sub for y/n hehe

warnings: MOMMY KINK AHHHH😝 smut, dirty talk, oral(male receiving), and unprotected sex lol (safe sex is the best sex y'all)

   carl was always so shy around you, a blush always making its way across his cheeks as you waved at him from your porch to his. he really wasn't good at hiding it, either. he was adorable when you'd give him a simple compliment, hiding behind his hands or avoiding eye contact with his cute nervous giggle and embarrassed smile.

   sometimes you'd like to just straight up tease him since there was just something so damn cute about his shy response, usually sweetly complimenting you back, or playfully telling you to stop. you and carl were close, to the point that he had a huge crush on you, and you him. but you never really acted on it because, well, you and enid used to be close friends, best friends even, and you thought it would be wrong of you to get into some sort of situation with carl that's beyond what you two already had, just girl code, so you put your feelings at bay, well until recently.

you were outside in the bright sun, glistening with sweat as you were working, shoveling out and turning up the ground for another garden area. you were using your boot to drive the shovel into the earth and scooping it back out, your body tensing and relaxing. carl had been strolling down the street, walking judith to carols house when he looked over, the sun almost blinding him, he raised his hand to block the sun from his view and he saw you, glistening with sweat and your toned body on display as you were working.

he watched you as your shirt rode up, your midriff showing. to him, you looked like an absolute goddess, he could've straight up fallen to his knees then and there. his breath caught in his throat as he admired you, your body, your slight muscles. he was basically drooling at this point, until daryl made him snap back into reality.

"hey, stop bein' a creep." daryl had a smirk on his face as he walked past carl.

"oh, i-i wasn't being a-" carl stuttered with his face turning a crimson red, daryl cutting him off.

"yeah, yeah." daryl turned his back and continued walking. carl cursed himself for staring, then cursed himself once more for getting caught staring. he walked judith the rest of the way to carols and went on with his day. you also went on with your day. you knew carl loved to stare at you, and though you didn't notice today, you weren't surprised when daryl gave you some cryptic message about it.

"your boy used his eye a bit too hard today." daryl said this to you as you washed your hands in the hose.

"who? what boy?" you looked up to daryl from your crouching position, squinting at the sun.

"you know." he said this with a nod.

"oh. yeah, i could've guessed that." you confidently replied. daryl snort-laughed then left.

time skip: sunset

you washed up then you were on your way to carls house, you were excited to wind down from your day finally. you worked harder today than you had in a few weeks, at least. you walked up onto the grimes porch, knocking on the door. judith was with carol while rick and michonne were out on a run until tomorrow, so carl would be here alone. you heard shuffling, then footsteps coming to the door. the door swung open and there you saw carl, he looked adorable. there was something about him that was just so incredibly attractive.

   "hey, cutie." you said this as you walked into the house.

   "hi, y/n." he smiled softly. he admired you as soon as you walked in. he loved your energy, you were just able to be confident and comfortable anywhere you went and he loved it. he admired that openness about you.

*carl grimes imagines*Where stories live. Discover now