Good vs. Evil

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9th update! :D Soon all these annoying AN's will be replaced with proper ones :D xx

*Draco's POV*

I woke up this morning on the common room floor...I had absolutely no idea how I got there...Strange thing is it felt like some important bit of information had been ripped out of my brain. Maybe I fell and got concussion, I don't know. Anyway, Molly was a bit happier than she usually is, I mean, after Gwynne disappeared and all, but I couldn't find Levine anywhere...Molly told all the teachers she needed some bed rest because she was ill. She probably is, but I can't go and check as I'll fall down a giant hole (seriously, if the boys try to go up to the girls dorms, they fall down a hole) I really hope she's okay, anyway, I want to say sorry that I accused her of spending too much time with the Gryffindors...I mean, she has to, really, or else something bad will happen, I guess...I'll live with it, eventually.

*Harry's POV*

''So, where was Levine today?'' I ask, Hermione and Ron. Hermione shrugs.

''She wasn't in Potions, and that Molly girl said she was ill, and she's her friend right?'' says Hermione. I nod.

''Shouldn't she be at Madame Pomfrey's then?'' Ron says.

''Well, maybe she just needs a break, I mean, the O.W.L year can be stressful'' says Hermione, logicially.

''I guess so, hope she's ok'' says Ron, poking his fork into his mashed potato. Hermione laughs.

''I never thought you would be worried about a Slytherin, even a nice one!'' says Hermione. Ron goes bright red. 

'' could be serious... I dunno'' he mumbles, stabbing the potato mountain rather vigoursly. Me and Hermione exchange glances.

''Whatever'' I say. We finish dinner in silence.

*Levine's POV*

I open my eyes, the world's all blurry. I put my hand to the side to my head, so the world stops spinning. I try to stand up but my legs give in. I look at my surroundings, trees towering every directions. What am I even doing here? I sit on my knees, I'm sitting in a dirt patch and there's a warm feeling on my arm. I look up. There's a Threstral licking blood off my torn sleeve. I pet its leathery snout and try to stand again. I get to my feet, holding the neck of the Threstral for support, it doesn't object, licking my arm gently. Suddenly, there's a rustling in the trees.

''OI! Ye get off the Threstrals!'' shouts a voice. I turn around and let go of the creature's neck. It's Hagrid...I think. Suddenly, the world goes blurry again and I fall down into the darkness.


''Is she alive?'' says a voice above me. There's a huffing noise.

''Of course she is, Ronald, so stop poking her'' says a annoyed voice. I open my eyes.

''Oh good'' says Ron, smiling. I frown at him. I look around, there's Harry and Hermione and Draco and Molly are standing behind them, looking awkward. I sit up.

''What the hell?'' I say, my voice sounding oddly distorted and croaky. 

''What am I doing here? What happened?'' I say, panicking. Draco and Molly go round the other side.

''Is she okay? What happened to her anyway?'' says Molly, holding a tissue. Madame Pomfrey sighs.

''Please stop crowding her...She has a severe memory loss'' she says. My stomach leaps. Memory loss? Everyone moves back a bit, mumbling to each other.

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