Merry Christmas...

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Authors Note-

Sorry for the delay in story writing, it's been a hard 2 weeks but whatevs, becoz here is the chappie ^-^

 *Draco’s POV*

Christmas morning. I was usually excited, but not so much anymore. I wake up to find presents sitting at the front of my bed. One from Mum, one from Dad, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, Molly and surprisingly, from Levine too. I open that first, curious. A small card falls out and then a velvet bag with a yellow drawstring. I look inside it, a few packets of chocolate frogs and a silver chain. I fish it out, it’s a small charm bracelet with an intricate golden star at the end. Surprised, I read the card.


Sorry for all the arguing and being a total ass, I’m sorry. I really hope you do forgive me. I hope you like your presents. I guess Gwynne’s death affected me a lot...

Levine x

I sigh, she’s forgiven alright. I smile and open the rest of my presents, a heavy weight lifted from my chest. I’ve been sent the usual, a few sweets, a few expensive gifts and a horrible necklace from Pansy.  I should write a thank you to Mum and Father, but first I’ll go and see Levine...

*Levine’s POV*

I open my last present, a phoenix necklace from Fred. I put it on my neck and throw away the scrunched up balls of wrapping paper into the bin. I sigh and get off my bed and sit on the window sill, looking through the frosted glass. The ground is covered in a thick layer of snow, while the lake is frozen solid, by the looks of it.  Its lucky Harry, Ron and Hermione are staying for Christmas, Draco too, if he accepts my apology, that is. Actually, Fred and George and their little sister, Ginny are staying too. She’s a year younger than us, and has new boyfriends almost every week. I’ve never really talked to her.

‘’Levine?’’ says a voice. I turn around. It’s Draco.

‘’Yeah?’’ I ask, hoping he’s accepted my apology.

‘’Sorry for all the arguing... I guess I was being a douche. ‘’ he says.

‘’Good, so now we’re friends again...Anyway, I need to get dressed so I’ll meet you down at breakfast soon’’ I say.

‘’Oh yeah, and here’s your present, I forgot to give it to you’’ he says, taking out a silver package.

‘’Thanks’’ I say, smiling. He closes the dorm door. I open the wrapping paper. There’s a pair of silver heart earrings with colour changing stones...So beautiful. I slip them on and pull on a top and jeans, followed by a purple jumper. As I slip on my boots, something hisses. I scream and fling the boot halfway across the room and pull out my wand.

‘’PAAAAAAAAAAIN!’’ hisses a voice. Snake, I think. And I’m right, a snake slithers out of my boot. I look at it..

''Um...'' I say. It looks at me, puzzled.

''Levine Riddle, yes, you are'' it says. I blink, confused.

'' you have something to say to me?'' I ask it. It bows its head.

''No, Miss Riddle, I was just nesting in your boots, sorry for the disturbance'' it says, and slithers into a crack in the wall. Weird.

''Right then, on you go'' I mumble.

I put on my boots and run downstairs. As I run down the corridor, I bump into someone. It’s Cho, a girl from the year above us, who always cries and has had a sudden interest in Harry recently.

‘’Oh...Your Levine, right?’’ she says, in a nasty sort of voice.

‘’Yeah, got a problem?’’ I say, coldly.

‘’No problem’’ she smirks sarcastically and walks off, flinging her air behind her.

‘’Gah, don’t know what Harry sees in her’’ I say, and stalk off to the Great Hall. As I push open the doors, I gasp.

The place is decorated in Christmas trees and various decorations, it’s beautiful. I run over to the Slytherin table for a change. Draco is sitting there on his own, looking lonely. I laugh.

‘’Hey Draco’’ I say, and sit down beside him. The trio looks at me strangely from the Gryffindor table. I wave at them, they smile and turn back around.

‘’Ugh, why them?’’ he mumbles. I hit him.

‘’whatever’’ I say, and put some baked beans and bacon on his plate and mine. He digs in and we talk about the exams and what’s going on at his house right now. I pretend to listen but I just can’t really be bothered. We finish 30 minutes later and walk out. Ironically, we bump into Harry, Ron and Hermione as we leave. I can sense it will be awkward....

‘’Hey Levine! Hey....Malfoy’’ says Hermione, looking awkward. I can see Draco holding back an insult.

‘’So...Happy Christmas! Did you like your presents?’’ says Ron, pretending Draco isn't there. 

''Yeah I did'' I say, smiling awkwardly. Draco scratches his head.

''Well, we better be going'' he says, grabbing my wrist. Harry frowns.

''Hey, man, she's our friend too'' he says, angrily. Draco stares at him.

''Yeah and if you didn't realize, she hasn't talked to me for 2 weeks because she's been hanging around you'' he says coldly. I bite my lip. 

''Draco...there no-'' I say. Harry scofffs.

''yeah well have you ever realized we could be better friends to her than you?'' he snarls. I sigh.

''Shut up, Potter, no one cares'' he hisses. I stare at him, shocked.

''I'm just trying to say!'' shouts Harry. Hermione holds him back.

''Harry, stop it, please'' says Hermione staring at me. I shake my head, clueless. 

''Why? Why do you have to think you are so much better than everyone else?'' he yells at Harry, taking his wand out of his pocket and pointing it at him. 

'DRACO!'' I shout, but he doesn't notice me. Harry does the same.

''I never even suggested it'' says Harry, coldly. I sigh.

''Go back to Weasel and Mudblood and leave Levine alone'' snarls Draco. 

''DRACO! FOR GODS SAKE WE WENT OVER THIS!'' I shout at him. He doesn't notice again.

''Come on..'' he says, pushing me away. I grab my wand. 

''Let go of me'' I say, pointing my wand at his chest. He backs away.

''Apologize'' I say, through my teeth. He laughs.

''No way'' he says, smirking. 

''Fine'' I say, smirking and take off the earrings and throw them on the floor. 

''Wha-'' he says, frowning.

''I'd rather chose them than you Draco'' I say and walk away...

''LEVINE!'' he shouts but I walk off.

''What a brillant way to start Christmas Day'' I mumble, running up to Harry, Ron and Hermione...



P.S CHECK OUT THE YOUTUBE VIDEO. It is epic, watch the enitre thing...and the rainbow progress bar made my head explode :DD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2011 ⏰

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