Plannings of the DA

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10th update! Yaay! I'm almost done and then it will be back to writing new chapters :) 

Saw Deathly Hallows Part 2 recently with thefezstar4444 and ifonly2011 and my other friend, Olivia. It was very sad, and very awesome and epic, a perfect send off to Harry Potter. The only thing that pissed me off was the sad, sad non- mentioning of Teddy Lupin :( Except for when Lupin died and Harry was talking to him... 

Oh and I don't think I'll do a relationship between Draco and Levine, it's just wrong, he's her cousin, for god's sake, lol :|

 But I might do her in a relationship with someone else...Hehehehehehehe MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA *chokes on spit*

Oh well, enjoy the story, don't forget to vote, comment and fan :D

*Levine's POV*

''Levine?'' says Molly, gently as she opens the door to the Owlery. I've been spending half of my days here, just looking out at the hills and the loch. She has a scrap of newspaper in her hand. I look at her.

'I've heard, and..I don't blame you'' she says, quietly. Tears are pouring down her cheeks but she doesn't look that upset. I smile.

''Sad thing is..I knew she was dead 2 weeks before'' I say. Molly frowns.

''How?'' she asks. 

''I had a dream, well, more of a glimpse at where Gwynne was...She was killed...In my dream'' I explain. Molly sighs.

''Why didn't you tell me?'' she says, wiping her eyes.

''I didn't think you would believe me'' I say. 

''I would always believe you'' she whispers. I hug her. 

''It'll be okay, trust me'' I say. She smiles and hands me the newspaper.

In most distressing news, Hogwarts student, 15- year old Gwynne Starly was found dead in an abandoned house in the Muggle village of Ottery's St Catchpole. Aurors suggest it was the work of You-Know-Who's old supporters, Death Eaters, wishing to re-unite with their master... More on page 3

''Ottery's St Catchpole...That's why it was familiar'' I say. Molly frowns.

''What?'' she says.

''Oh, I went to Ottery's St Catchpole to look for her, that's why I got there, I didn't even know I was there...I've been there before though, I remember'' I say. 

''Re-unite with their master? What a load of crap..'' I sigh, handing the newspaper back to her. 

‘’So, they did it? They killed her?’’ she asks. I nod.

‘’Why?! WHY?!’’ she says, as though I killed her. I sigh.

‘’They needed information about how I was doing with...well, befriending Potter...’’ I say, as Gwynne sniffs. ‘’ And Gwynne didn’t know..She forgot, it slipped her mind...’’ Gwynne’s expression goes cold.

‘’So it comes back to you, does it? Because you ‘forgot’ to tell Gwynne more, she died?’’ she says.

‘’So you’re suggesting my ways killed her?!’’ I say. Gwynne scowls.

‘’Well, by what you told me, they did, so it’s your fault’’ she says, turning away.

‘’My fault?! MY FAULT?! You think I WANTED this to happen? Merlin, Molly, I more than didn’t want this to happen? I can’t explain WHY they killed her for that reason!’’ I say, tears brimming in my eyes. Molly’s expression doesn’t change.

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