No Hope...

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8th! :DDDDD Getting through it ok I guess :)

M xx

*Levine's POV*

The office is covered in pink and pictures of kittens with multicoloured ribbons. It is sickening. Umbridge smiles at us, but it's not a friendly smile...More like a hyena smiling at it's pray, before it eats them. 

''Sit down'' she says, gesturing to two seats around a pink frilly table. We sit down, Harry raises his eyebrows.

''Now I want both of you to do lines for me'' she says, placing a piece of parchment in front of us. We both reach for quills, but she stops us.

''I want you to us these ones, and write I must not tell lies'' she says, handing us two blood red quills. I raise an eyebrow.

''How many times?'' Harry asks. She smirks.

''Just enough times for it to sink in...'' she replies. I frown. Harry places the tip of the quill on the parchment and begins to write. I do the same. As I write the first words, there's a searing pain in the back of my hand. I drop my quill in surprise. Harry does the same. I stare at my hand, the words I wrote appearing on the back of my hand before disappearing again. 

''What the hell?'' I mouth to Harry. He looks at Umbridge. That evil toad... 

''Don't give in'' Harry mouths to me. I pick up the quill again, beginning to write again. I ignore the pain, concentrating on the clock, waiting for it to be over...

I must not tell lies

I must not tell lies

I must not tell lies

I must not tell lies

Suddenly, 2 drops of blood fall onto the parchment, I look at my hand. It's red and bloody and the cuts haven't healed. I look at Harry's parchment, it's got blood on it too. Suddenly, Umbridge looks up from her work. She smiles.

''That'll be enough'' she says, as she rolls up the parchment and takes the quills.

''I'll see you next week in detention'' she says, as we walk out. I wrap my hand in the end of my robe.

''Why? What sort of rules do they have at the Ministry that allows them to do that?'' I say. Harry shrugs.

''Well...'' he starts. I sigh.

''See you tomorrow..'' I say, but lying, because I won't, I'm leaving... 

''Yeah, bye'' he says, walking off to the Gryffindor common room. I walk down to the Slytherin common room. I walk in, Molly's sitting by the fire, staring into it. I put my hand on her shoulder.

''It'll be okay, I'm going'' I say. She looks at me.

''No, please don't'' she says. I sigh.

''I'll find her, I promise, I'll be okay, I'll send you a message'' I say, putting on a travelling cloak and throwing my school one on a chair and go to the dorms to get my bag. Molly is sobbing on the chair. 

''Molly, don't cry, everything will be fine'' I say, although not completely truthfully. 

''Send a Patronus or something'' she says, wiping her tears. 

''I will'' I whisper. ''Now go to bed, I'll be back before you know'' I say, hugging her, letting tears spill down my cheeks. I wipe them away. She goes up to the dorms and I stay in front of the fire for a little while, waiting until half ten so I can go out. I sigh. I really hope she is alright...It's funny, a month into the school year, there's already a catastrophe.. 

Voldemort's Daughter **Editing**Where stories live. Discover now