I hate you,Malfoy, and your little deer, Parkinson, too.

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6th update! I'm gettin' through this pretty quickly! Soon I can upload a new chapter! 

*Levine's POV*

Draco's been avoiding me and every time I look at him; he always gives me this weird stare. I can't tell if it's a ''I'm sorry, forgive me'' glare or a ''I hate you, go to hell'' glare. Well, I guess glares aren't really supposed to be friendly, whatever, like I care. Potions is torture though, I share a bench with him so sometimes I have to ask if he can pass me over the knife or something, but then it's just awkward silences. Even when I pass him, I look the other way. I hang around Molly and Gwynne a bit more than used to. Draco just hangs around Pugsy Parkinson and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. I still talk to Potter and his friends, they seem to trust me a bit more and we talk, usually, about O.W.L's or how phony Professor Umbridge’s classes are. Potter managed to get detention for apparently ''lying'' about the rising of Lord Voldemort. That made me angry, earning me detention as well, for ''backing up the lie'' so I have a detention on Saturday to be looking forward to. Harry's still a bit wary around me, due to the fact I live with the Malfoy's who he clearly dislikes. Sometimes when I'm talking to them, Draco passes, usually with a snide remark, I just laugh at him. Anyway, it's Friday and I have double Potions again. I pick up all my schoolbooks and equipment, shoving them into my bag and walking downstairs. I can't be bothered eating breakfast so I run downstairs and wait for Molly and Gwynne. They arrive, 20 minutes later.

‘’Why weren’t you at breakfast?’’ says Molly, frowning.

‘’Not hungry’’ I say, shrugging and standing up.

‘’Well, let’s go or we’ll be late for Potions’’ I say, walking out of the common room. Molly picks up her bag and we walk out.

''I feel pretty sorry for you...'' says Molly, sighing. I turn around.

''Why?'' I ask, confused.

''Draco is pretty much hating on you and when he told Pansy...well...it's gonna get round the school pretty quickly, according to her, you're a total ugly b*tch'' she says. I frown.

''I always hated her'' she adds, quickly. I stifle a laugh.

''I don't really care anyway, so what? I can just say that Draco is a selfish douche'' I say, shrugging.

''Hey...Where'd Gwynne go?'' she says. I turn around and look around.

''We just left her in the common room, didn't we?'' I say. Molly nods. 

''Oh god, it better not be like that time where you guys disappeared and reappeared like 10 minutes later'' I say. Molly frowns.

''I don't actually remember where I went, to be honest'' she says, scratching her head.

''That's weird'' I say ''Should we go back?''  Molly frowns.

''She probably just went to the bathroom or to get her bag...If she doesn't turn up in Potions then we can go look'' she says. I agree and wer walk to the Potions classroom. The bell rings just as we push open the door.

''Just in time girls, take out your cauldrons and turn to page 178'' says Snape, as we walk to our benches. Great, I have to share a bench with Draco and Pansy now. I look around. There's got to be a spare space somewhere. Molly's bench is full.... I see Harry waving over to me. Oh well, better than nothing and I can show Draco up at least. I walk over and take out my cauldron.

''Thanks Harry, I  really don't want to sit near Draco today...'' I say, sighing. He sighs too.

''I heard, well, you shouldn't be friends with them then'' he adds. 

Voldemort's Daughter **Editing**Where stories live. Discover now