DA, Despairs and Dolores Umbridge

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Holy goose schmoly I haven't updated in AGGGGGGGGEEEEEEESSSSS! But I will, OKAY? GOOD! BYE!

So I have pretty much nothing to say, except VOTE COMMENT AND FAN! :P

 M xx

*Levine's POV*

Wednesday, 7pm

I wait in the seventh floor corridor, looking at the tapestry of a troll bashing someone over the head. I wonder if Harry, Ron and Hermione are already inside. I decide to have a go at gaining access. I walk past the blank stretch of wall thinking I need to see where Harry, Ron and Hermione are three times before a big wooden door appears. I smile and walk in. It's a great stretch of room and the walls are covered in mirrors. There's life size figurines everywhere and the shelves scattered all around the room are laden with shelves. 

''Harry? Hermione? Ron?'' I call. There's a shuffling at the end of the room and Hermione walks out of a row of shelves.

''Oh hi Levine! You're a bit early but that's alright!'' she says. I smile and walk over to Harry and Ron. 

''Is anyone actually coming?'' says Harry. I nod.

''They're probably not sure how to get in or where...'' I say. ''I'll go outside and check'' Hermione nods. I open the doors and surely, I see about 15 people standing, looking around curiously. They spot me and almost jump back in shock.

''In here, quick!'' I say, as they all bustle in. I hear gasps and murmurs.

''What is this place?'' says Luna. 

''This is the Room of Requirement, it only appears when one is in need of something'' says Hermione. 

''Anyway, welcome to our first DA meeting...Umm...First to organize times and days of the week which we'll be practising, Hermione made some fake Galleons that will display the day and time around the edge'' says Harry, as Hermione walks round handing out Galleons to everyone.

''That way, if any of us get caught, it can be passed off as money. When there's a new date of the meeting, it'll grow warm. Just don't spend it'' says Harry, and a ripple of laughter spreads across the crowd.  I smile as Hermione hands me one. She smiles at me.

‘’Right...Today we’ll be practising one of the easiest and best defensive spells in our arsenal, disarming’’ says Harry, professionally.  We set off in pairs, I’m with Luna.

‘’You first’’ she says. I nod and take out my wand.

‘’Expelliarmus!’’ I say, pointing my wand at Luna. Her wand flies out of her hand immediately, landing 5 feet away. She smiles.

‘’That was really good! Can I have a turn?’’ she says. I nod and she picks up her wand, pointing it at me.

‘’Expelliarmus!’’ she shouts, and my wand flies out of my hand.

‘’Good! Well done! Now you just need to practise more! Use these dummies, and then try on each other, but the opponent  should try to send a spell this time’’ says Harry, walking over. We nod and set to work.

2 hours later~

We leave the room, tired and sore, after getting hit with multiple hexes like tickling charms several times, my chest hurts a little.

‘’Well done Levine, good work, remember to check your Galleon every so often’’ says Harry, waving me off as I leave. Luna catches up with me.

‘’You were a good partner!’’ she says, running off to the west.

‘’You too’’ I say, weakly, rubbing my stomach. It feels like I’ve been punched several times there. I walk off slowly to the dungeons, wincing every time I breathe in too heavily. I panicked once or maybe 5 times when Luna was about to hex me that I forgot to disarm her so I paid the price. I make it to the third floor, before having to sit down. Everyone’s already in their common rooms and if I don’t make it back by half 9 then Filch or Umbridge doing their prowls might spot me. A few students are going back to their common rooms.

‘’Hey Levine, why you sitting there? If you don’t move quickly. Umbridge will spot you and you’ll get detention’’ says a voice behind me. I turn around.  It’s Fred...Definitely.

‘’Yeah...Just...Tired’’ I say. He smiles.

‘’Want to walk down?’’ he says. I stand up.

‘’Alright’’ I sigh, as we walk down the stairs together.

‘’Where’d George get to?’’ I ask.

‘’He’s already gone down, I was just talking to Harry’’ he says. I nod.

‘’So, how’s everything been recently?’’ he says.

‘’Alright, I’m ok, I just need to get my mind off things’’ I say, breezily.

‘’It must be hard for you’’ he says. I shrug.

‘’I guess’’ I say, sighing. We reach the second floor.

‘’Well, I guess I’ll see you’’ he says, waving.

‘’Right...Bye’’ I say, and walk down the remaining two staircases. I sit down at the bottom and put my head in my hands. I’ve messed up big time. Molly doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore and Gwynne’s dead. Draco’s made up to me but I don’t know how long it is until he hates me again.  Basically I’ve betrayed his family, my family. I’m so wrapped up in my thoughts that I don’t notice anyone until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I know immediately.

‘’Well, well, well, what do we have here?’’ says a sickening sweet voice, like a spider trying to lure it’s pray into the trap. I look up. Umbridge’s evil pink face grinning sickly at me. I gulp.

‘’Out for a nightly stroll? Or something else?’’ she says. I mentally roll my eyes. Her mind always jumps to something else.

‘’No I was just walking’’ I say. She smiles.

‘’We’ll see about that’’ she smirks, pulling me up by my robes. I stand up and she drags me away. I walk helplessly after her. She drag sme to her office and roughly pushes me into a chair.

‘’So, tell me, what were you doing wandering the corridors past the time everyone should be back in their common rooms?’’ she asks sweetly.

‘’I was wandering... I didn’t know it was time to go back’’ I say, fiddling with the edge of my robes. She smiles.

‘’Of course you didn’t...’’ she says, pouring some tea into a teacup.

‘’But remember Levine, it’s no good to tell lies...Would you like some tea?’’ she says, still sickeningly sweetly. I shake my head.

‘’How many sugars?’’ she says, completely ignoring me.

‘’None, thank you’’ I say. She stirs the tea and turns around. I see her slipping something into it. Veritaserum.

‘’Here you go dear...’’ she says, as I take the teacup. I pretend to sip, closing my lips tightly and accidently spilling some down the front of my robes. The heat stings me but I ignore it, looking straight at Umbridge.

‘’Drink up, drink up’’ she says, as I pretend to sip again then put the cup on my lap.

‘’Now tell me dear, what were you doing today?’’ she says, smiling. I don’t trust myself to speak.

‘’I was going for a walk, I needed to clear my mind’’ I say without emotion...I’ve seen people under Veritaserum before, they talk without emotion.  She frowns slightly.

‘’Drink up, drink up’’ she says. I put the cup to my lips again, spilling more down my robes again, praying she doesn’t notice. Half of it has already been spilt.

‘’Hand me your cup’’ she says. I give it to her. She looks at it and smiles weakly. I can almost read her mind.

‘’Alright dear’’ she says, handing me back the cup. ‘’I believe you...Now, close the door on your way out’’  I stand up, my legs shaking and walk out, closing the door. I breathe a sigh of relief once I’m out.  I run down to the common room and straight up to my bed. I’m exhausted after today anyway.  I don’t think I can pull off that again.



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