Something Tells Me this Year isn't What I expected...(Picture of Molly)

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Please don’t read the entire book until I post that I have finished updating. You can read the first 2 chapters and this one but nothing else or it won’t make sense.

P.S I just realized, Draco and Levine are cousins...So if they become boyfriend and girlfriend, isn’t it like incest? I don’t know, tell me in the comments :/ But I suppose in the books it says something about blood status like ‘’if they want to keep it pure, they end up marrying their own cousins’’ or whatever.

 Anyway, please enjoy reading and tell me what you think :)

- M xx

*Levine’s POV*

I leave the train, grabbing my bags and owl and heading for the carts. I had sort of made friends with Potter and, hopefully, the other two. Apparently, both of them made Prefects and were with Draco in the Prefect compartment. Really, a Mudblood and Weasel King as Prefect?

I smirk to myself as I climb onto the Threstral-drawn cart. Many people can't see them, I can though. Only people who have seen death can see them...I've seen a few. Potter, Weasel and Mudblood get into the carriage in front as Draco climbs onto my cart, scowling.

‘’I know you have to befriend them, but seriously, can’t you just wait for me?’’ he whispers. Another Slytherin girl is sitting filing her nails. Sometimes girls can be really stupid, and that’s rich, coming from me, as I'm a girl. Anyway, I have to make friend with 3 Gryffindors, while I’m a Slytherin, and proud of it. Probably my whole family were Slytherins. 

''Sorry...Gosh, I have it hard this year, I have to spend time with Gryffindors'' I sigh. Draco sighs too.

''Sorry about that'' he says. I smile and give him a quick hug. The Slytherin girl looks over, grunts and continues filing her nails. I snort.

‘’So...Looking forward to this year?’’ I ask Draco. He raises his eyebrows.

‘’No, well, I’m trying out for Quidditch seeker again’’ he says. I smile.

‘’I always wanted to try out for Quidditch, but I don’t have my own broom and...’’ I stop. Draco coughs to cover up the awkward silence. We both know, I can’t really ask my Father if I could get a broom to try out for Quidditch, I wouldn’t even bother. I guess I could ask Narcissa but she would probably just say something like ‘’I wouldn’t bother’’ I’m not her child, I’m her worst fear’s child, and well, niece I guess. She isn’t afraid of my mother, she speaks of her quite a lot, showed me a few pictures. I guess I took quite a lot of her looks as my hair is just as black as hers, though it’s not as curly. I’m glad for that. We reach the castle in silence. Draco’s fiddling with his hair, nibbling his nails frequently. I slap his hand away from his nails. We get off the carriages and walk into the Great Hall and take our usual seats at the Slytherin table. I’m starving and by the looks of anticipation on Draco’s face, he is too. Then Dumbledore makes his usual speech after the first-years are sorted (not that I pay much attention) and after he finishes, the new teacher, Professor Umbridge makes a weird coughing noise and stands up, saying something about progress being banned or whatever. I don’t really care, I’m just starving. When she’s finished, food appears on the golden platters and we dig in.

‘’Aaaah, so good’’ says Draco, through a mouthful of chips. I laugh. After dinner (and desert, obviously) we stand up to leave. I look around the table and spot Molly and Gwynne, my other friends. I walk over to them as Molly hugs me and Gwynne stands smiling. They are two of my close friends, but they aren’t my best friends. Molly has curly blonde hair and smiley eyes and Gwynne has straight brown hair and quite a thin, serious face. Both are in Slytherin, but they don’t know that the most feared wizard of all time is my father, they know about Bellatrix being my mum though, which is okay.

 ‘’Why didn’t you contact us over the summer?’’ Molly says. I roll my eyes.

‘’I was kinda busy and y’know...’’ I say, trailing off. Molly and Gwynne nod. They (and Draco) are basically the only ones who know for certain that Voldemort has come back and living in a house with Death Eaters, it’s gonna be pretty hard for me to contact them. It’s weird that the Minister and almost the entire wizarding population don’t believe their precious little Harry Potter. It almost makes me want to feel sympathy for him. Last year, it was the Triwizard Tournament and Barty Crouch Jr, disguised as the Defence against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody, made sure that Potter witnessed it all. Sadly (or not) nobody but his friends believed him. That’s why, as the entire wizarding population have no idea what’s going to happen, I have to be-friend him.

‘’Well come on, let’s go to the Common room’’ says Gwynne, grabbing my arm. Draco sighs and walks along with us. Gwynne goes slightly crimson at the sight of him. Over the past year or so, she’s had the hots for him. I can’t blame her though, he is pretty good-looking.  I tut and we walk down the stairs to the entrance.

‘’What’s the password?’’ says the gargoyle at the entrance, unenthusiastically.

‘’Pureblood’’ says Draco, sighing. I raise my eyebrows.

‘’Wasn’t it ‘pureblood’ when we were in second year?’’ says Gwynne, taking the words right out of my mouth and seemingly desperate to talk to Draco. He shrugs.

‘’Sorry honey, I’m running out of ideas’’ says the gargoyle, as the door opens and we walk in. The room is such a nice sight to see after a long day.

‘’Well, we better turn in for the night’’ says Draco, walking up the staircase for the boys dorms. We go up to the girls dorms. My case and owl are already by my bed. I sigh.

‘’Bless those house elves’’ I say, falling onto my bed. Noire hoots and clicks her beak, as if in agreement.

‘’You know how Umbridge is from the Ministry?’’ says Molly, pulling pyjamas out of her case.

‘’Yeah?’’ I say. I never really thought about it, I guess.

‘’Well, I guess the Ministry is interfering with Hogwarts, and Dumbledore isn’t exactly...happy about it’’ she says. I roll over.

‘’Whatever, as long as she doesn’t start teaching us how not to defend ourselves, because that’s just stupid’’ I say. Gwynne sighs.

‘’Apparently, that’s exactly what she’s doing’’ she replies. I sigh.

‘’Something tells me this year isn’t going to be exactly what I expected...’’ I say, before falling asleep.

Hope you enjoyed :)

-          M xxx

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