Gwynne, Missing.

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Authors Note-

7th edit! Doin' pretty good if I say so myself... Anyway, please enjoy and whatever :)

*Levine's POV*

''Levine! Levine!'' shouts Molly, running towards me in the grounds. I was looking for somehwere quiet to study up on Transfiguration but it looks like Molly was looking for me. 

''What's wrong?'' I ask, as she trys to regain her breath. She's bright red and tears are streaming down her face. She sits down, wiping her eyes.

''Remember how yesterday Gwynne...disappeared? I forgot and so did you, but I remembered when I was in the dorms and Gwynne's bed was empty and then...'' she says, before breaking into sobs. ''I..I can't find her anywhere! I even went to Snape and told him, he said there would be a search''  I sit down.

''It's ok, she's probably wandered off...'' I say, but the possibility is unlikely. She hugs me, crying into my shoulder.

''Why don't you care? All you ever do is hang around Potter and his friends nowadays! Why don't you care that one of your best friends is missing?'' she sobs. 

''Of course I care! I told you what I had to do! This is what me and Draco argued about! I forgot yesterday, and...oh god, this can't be happening'' I say, tears threating to spill. I stand up.

''Come on Molly, we last saw her yesterday, let's go see if we can find anything'' I say, as we walk up to the castle. We walk to the common room and go in and up to the girl's dorms.

''Did you find anything on her bed at all?'' I say. Molly sniffs.

''I never looked'' she whispers. I go to Gwynne's bed. Yup, she didn't sleep in it last night... How could I be so stupid? Oh yeah, I was shattered last night and didn't take a second glance at anyone. Molly lifts up the covers, there's a flap of paper sticking out from under the pillow. I grab it, unfolding it. 

''What's it say?'' says Molly. I look at the paper. it's messy and splotchy but I can make out some words.

''Help, something's wrong, I can't remember much. Hope you find this, come after me...Erchwast foigle?'' I say, looking at the undecipherable scrawl at the bottom.

''Erchwast foigle? Are you sure that's what it says?'' says Molly. I laugh despite the sadness of it all.

''No, but where is she? We can't go after her if we don't know where she is?'' I say. 

''Maybe...'' says Molly ''Use that ink revealing charm, maybe that'll make it better'' I nod, taking out my wand.

''Aparecium?'' I say, waving my wand over the paper. No,wait, that's for invisible ink. Some of the ink becomes clearer but it doesn't solve the jumble at the bottom.

''Revelio'' I say, and the jumble becomes words, making it easy to read. Molly smiles and we look at the parchment.

Help, something's wrong, I can't remember much. Please help me, if you find this, come after me. I don't know where I'm being taken, I can't remember. Sometimes I wake up in this dark room and then back in the dorms, not remembering much of what happened. I have these cuts on my arms but I can't remember why they're there. Something's wrong, please help, I don't think-

It just stops there.

''Oh lord'' says Molly, breaking down into sobs again. I hug her.

''She's been taken somewhere, I'll go find her'' I say, pocketing the paper. 

''No! I can't lose you either! Please...Please don't go'' she says, sobbing. 

''Ssh, I'm not going now! You want to find Gwynne, right? I'll be ok, I'll send you a letter or something, I'll figure out a way'' I say. She sniffs, standing up.

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