Chapitre 4

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BEEP BEEP BEEP !(The alarm has returned 😃)

I wake up sweating and breathing heavily, my mind running extremely fast. I had to wait a few minutes to calm down and to turn off my alarm.

'What was that!?' I thought. Suddenly I remembered the words that the man(?) told me, 'Ein Engel '. 'Why would he think of me as an angel?'.

I blinked. 'Wait a minute', How did I understood that, it's german, I don't know german. (If you're german please deal with it).

I was still perplexed when my mom interupped my thoughts.

"(Y/N), what are you still doing in bed you're late !"

"Sorry I had a-"
I stopped, 'a what? dream? nightmare ?'

" It's alright, but don't be late next time, I already prepared your breakfast. "

"Thank you ! You're the best, mom!"

I say busting out of my room, she sighs while shaking her head.

~timeskip~ (sorry if there are too much of them)

I'm in the bus sitting next to (B/F/N) who is looking at me worryingly.

"Are you okay, (Y/N) ?"

I turned to look at them, perplexed.

"Why would I not be okay?"

"You didn't say a word since you are here, you didn't even greet me back when I said hello to you."

I widened my eyes and apologized.

"Oh I'm so sorry! My mind was just somewhere else!"

They let out a breath I didn't know they were holding.

"You worried me! I thought I did something that would upset you yesterday!"

They then looked at me in the eyes .

"But what were you thinking about?"

I decided that I could tell them, after all, they are my best friend and it was just a silly dream right?

"I had a strange dream last night, I was in some sort of battle field with corpses everywhere and the sounds of screams and explosions were burning my ears. The worst thing was that I could move and feel everything like in real life."

I stopped, feeling my hands shaking at the memory, I was curious, it was the first time a dream affects me at this point. But nevertheless, I continued explaining.

"Then, I saw a body move, apparently a soldier was still alive, I approached him and it disgusted me, his injuries on his body had so much details that I wonder how I imagined it. I think he was german because when he saw me he said some words in german, but somehow I understood it."

I finished my speech with my eyes stuck on my lap, I couldn't see (B/F/N)'s face so I can't tell what are they thinking of my tale.

"Dude, that dream really scared you. I wish I could do the same with my jumpscares"

I look up from my lap to their face with an unimpressioned look.

"By 'jumpscares' you mean the times where you greet me by hitting my back when I don't notice you?"

"Yep, those ones!"

"You're unbelieveable, you know that?"

"I know! But seriously I can tell it has really shook you up. By the way what did the soldier told you for you to know he was german?"

I hesitated for a moment, something told me not to tell them but I think it was mostly because I was embarassed.

" He said 'Ein Engel'."

"And what does that mean?"

"An angel."

They looked at me with a look I couldn't decipher.

"His sight must have been very injured to confuse you for an angel."

I blushed from embarassment.

"Are you saying that I'm ugly!"


"Repeat that if you dare!"

"Fine, maybe I said that you were ugly."

"I am fricking going to kill you!"

Both of us started bickering each other until the bus reached the school.

Unfortunately I didn't have the same class that (B/F/N) so we had to separate from each other.

"Well, bye (B/F/N), I'll see you at lunch."

I said then I turned to go to my class.


(B/F/N) Pov:

"Well, bye (B/F/N), I'll see you at lunch."

(Y/N) said before heading to their class.

"See ya..."

I said under my breath, it seemed my 'plan' worked well.

Back in the bus I could tell that this 'dream' really scared the heck out of them and that really worried me but I didn't show it, instead I acted like the best friend I am and distracted them from their bad thoughts with my special attack,✨the teasing✨.

So they focused on teasing and threatening me back instead of remembering the gruesome details of their dream.

I thought about it too, of what they told me, they were in a battle with explosions and one side of the fighters were potentially german.

The first battles coming to my mind would be World Wars even if it could be before that, but I know that (Y/N) spend a lot, lot of time learning every details of World Wars for their countryhumans stories.

I didn't mind it but maybe it could affect their mental health to think of all the attrocities made during the wars.

After all, even if they refuse to admit it they're still an innocent bean and, as I like to say, as their third parent I shall keep an eye on them.😌

I promise.

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