Chapitre 44

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(Y/N) Pov:

That was a very long ride. You would have fallen asleep if you didn't stare nervously at your moving surroundings, seeing the familiar decors you would see on historical photos. You frowned at the sight of many, many n*zi flags and signs on several shops' showcases.

'It still is uncomfortable knowing I'm actually in this time period...' You sighed internally as you watched the streets unfold. Your eyes then perceived more details, such as a few children playing with a ball, surely oblivious to what was really happening in their country. But... The looks of happiness on their faces as they played, the sound of chatting in the street was filling your ears. Despite everything, how could this not be real?

...a few unconscious mumbles made you look down, seeing West Germany sleeping on you. His soft breathing hitting your clothes. Your eyes softened. This feeling... It reminded you that you were alive. Who cares if for them you're not real? Your life is still your life. No matter how 'unreal' it might be. It's time for you to turn the page, to enter another stage after you discovered the truth. You had to accept it. You would hate yourself if you kept being gloomy and uninterested all the time, disregarding everything simply because you think it's 'not real'. It was real for you. It was your reality, your world.

You hummed and leaned back on your seat, your back resting on the leather seat of the car. While your hand was still resting on top of West Germany's head, you breathed out quietly and started closing your eyes but then noticed East Germany a few seats in front looking back at you and his brother, with a little frown, looking sad. When he saw you were looking at him he furrowed his eyebrows and turned back to face the front. You sighed and closed back your eyes. That would be a future you problem.


The sound of the car slowing down made you open back your eyes from your light slumber. You noticed both brothers were awake already. West Germany who stayed at your side grinned.

-"We're arrived! I can't wait to show you my room!" He giggled to himself, which made you smile a bit. However you were still full of apprehension. The car finally stopped at one particular building. It was really big, and it reminded you of an ancient roman construction or something with the detailed pillars and everything.

The few people that were in the car got out and stood around it, watching carefully the surroundings. East Germany said nothing and just get down the car as well. West Germany didn't wait a lot before opening the car's door and followed his brother, not without dragging you with him by the hand.

-"'s a big building." You simply said awkwardly while looking up at the architecture in front of you, where stood a few rows of stairs leading to huge doors, and you couldn't help but want to walk away before they would open so that a familiar face could go through.

-"Right? This isn't our actual house but since Father always works here we still spend most of our time there, so we still get a room!" West Germany spoke up next to you with a grin, the kid was just tall enough to reach your waist.

-"But it still doesn't replace completely our actual rooms." East Germany popped in the discussion while crossing his arms, frowning.

-"It's been years since we haven't seen our house." East added, you stayed silent at his upset expression before West added towards you.

It's not Real!...Or is it ?(YANDERE COUNTRYHUMANS X READER)Where stories live. Discover now