Chapitre 32

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(Y/N) Pov:

You yawned as you woke up and stretched your arms before they hit something, scaring you.

-"Ahhh!!! What the hell?!" You looked to the side to see you just hit your arms against the carriage's wall. You completely forgot that you were here. You paused when you saw that you were all alone here. 'Where is British Empire?' You asked yourself. 'Did this bitch just let me rot in this carriage?'

You sighed before putting your hand on the door's handle to get out of the carriage. '. . .' You blinked.

'Did this bitch... Just lock me in here?!' It was locked. Either you pulled or pushed the handle it wouldn't open. 'I'll fricking kill him, I'm not a dog!' (PS: don't leave your dogs in cars)

After a few minutes of trying you just stumbled back on your seat, with the arms crossed. 'What the hell? Who does that?' Usually you wouldn't be so annoyed but you just woke up and this shit happens? Hell no...

You perked up as you saw movements outside. You facepalmed when the door opened and a certain man came in.

-"Oh, dear! You're awake" He said, in a joyful tone before he noticed the way you pouted with your arms crossed and you glared at him.

-"What's wrong my dear?" He asked, concern in his voice. 'What's wrong? What's wrong?!'

-"Well, the thing is..." You started, you were pissed. "I just woke up and then I realise that you lock me up!" He seemed surprised.

-"Oh! I'm sorry that bothered you, my dear, I just did it because I was afraid someone could come and do something to you!" You blinked.


-"We had arrived, my dear, so I had to talk to some people, like London by example and it was necessary to leave you alone but I didn't want to let you here within everyone's reach! He explained to you. You didn't know how to feel. I mean, you were happy he was concerned for you but it really put you in a bad mood.

-"You know what? Let's forget it... You said we have arrived, right?" You said while getting out, British Empire helped you (even if you didn't need any help).

-"Yes, we did darling, I'm relieved that you're not angry at me." 'It will not last if you continue.'

-"Anyways. My capital, London, is here do you want to meet him?" You looked at him and shrugged.

-"Yeah, of course. Why not?"

-"Perfect!" He exclaimed, contrary to German Empire, he seemed eager that you meet his capital. You had the impression that German Empire didn't want you to have any contact with Berlin, while British Empire was eager for you to meet London.

He took your hand and leaded you in a random direction. You were still slightly asleep, as you didn't payed attention to where you were going.


You were still in the clouds and weren't calculating what was happening, it's only when British Empire mentioned your name that you got out of your transe.

-"....person is (Y/N)!" You jolt up and looked around, completely lost. You sweatdropped when you noticed that British Empire was already talking to London who glanced at you nervously. You looked around and saw that you were definitely not where you first spaced out. You just watched the discussion between the both of them. (Well, it was just British Empire rambling to London about you.)

London looked at you with a nervous and almost... Fearful look? You didn't know what was the deal since he didn't seem to act like that usually. At some point you had to introduce yourself so you held out a hand for him to shake and smiled.

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