Chapitre 11

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(B/F/N) Pov (don't lie, you forgot about them)

2 days. It's been 2 days that me and (Y/N) got out of the exams, yelling and laughing. It's been 2 days since they passed out in front of me and that I called an ambulance.

Now, they are in a coma in an hospital nearby, their parents came as soon as they could and they asked me questions about what happened, I couldn't lie to them so I told them about (Y/N)'s sleepless state.

They were heartbroken for the fact that they were hiding their situation to their own parents, but they were also understanding about it and didn't blame me for not telling them or something.

It's the second day that (Y/N) is at the hospital, I came to visit them since school was finished earlier because of the exams, their parents went to work today but asked a break for the other days to come and see them.

So I was on a chair next to their bed, their heartbeats were regular even if sometimes they would accelerate like if they lived an entire life in their comatose, of course I guessed that was the case and that they were in the same place that in their dreams.

'Hope you have a good time with your friends.' I thought, looking at their sleeping form.




Third person Pov:


"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN!? The German Empire knows about me! And I'm just a stupid and ordinary person! What if he has high expectations?! Why did you bring up the term 'angel' once again? I'm going to kill you!!"

Here's the situation: it's the morning and (Y/N) is being restrained by Berthold because they have some murderous intents towards Christoph who were trying to hide behind a bed because he told the conversation he had with the country and (Y/N) wasn't very happy with the terms he used.

"Ich dachte nur, es wäre cool, es erinnerte mich an unser erstes Treffen!" (I just thought it would be cool, it reminded me of when we first met!) Christoph exclaimed while hiding.

"Thank you Christoph, I really appreciate that but I don't think I can tell him the same way I told you to call me by my name! Now he must think I'm a sort of powerful and heavenly being! I can't go to him and say: 'In fact, I'm just someone who finished their exams, I have nothing special about me 😃'! I can't do that, he might kill me!" (Y/N) exclaimed back, they heard him apologize from behind the bed and sighed.

"Kann ich dicht jetzt gehen lassen?"(Can I let you go now?) Berthold asked, they remembered he was still holding them.

"Yes, sorry for that." He let them go and they finally go back on their feet. "So what do we do now? It's just a matter of time before he send someone to get me and I'm tired from hiding." (Y/N) asked. The room became silent for a moment apparently the boys were deep in thoughts.

"Übrigens, warum bist du noch hier? Die anderen Male warst du in ein paar Stunden weg."(By the way, why are you still here? The other times you were gone in a few hours.) Christoph asked at the other side of the room.

(Y/N) Pov:

I thought about Christoph's question. That's true. The other times I would be there only when I slept a few hours at night. But this time it's been two days! I widened my eyes, (B/F/N)! I just passed out in front of them and didn't wake up for two days, how are they? What did they do? Did they called an ambulance? I must wake up now!

"You're right! I'm sorry but I have to leave, it's been too long since I woke up!" They listened to me, they seemed a bit sad.

"Ach... Dann tschüss."(oh... Bye then.) I smiled sadly at them.

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