Chapitre 42

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(Y/N) Pov:

You have never thought you would have a sudden feeling of being old, when you haven't even reached age 30 yet. Wow, only this sentence made you feel ten times older than you already were.

Anyway, here you were, thinking to yourself and questioning your whole life yet again while looking at an interaction between Johann and a girl you've met only once (and years ago) but that you still felt like an overprotective dad over
her while watching their affectionate greetings. Or maybe it was just your single ass whose heart was crying. We'll never know.

Therefore, Hannah (her name that you just found out today) is Christoph's only daughter and aged pretty well since last time you saw her (where she was just uhm...six or seven years old? Ugh, you suck at guessing ages.) She was now about 20, a pretty and joyful girl, but still serious and mature.

A contrast to Johann, that you noticed, was like a kid who just ate too much candies and caffeine combined. He was clinging to Hannah like if his life would end immediately if he let go, tears dramatically flowing out his eyes like a funny scene out of an anime.

'Such a wonderful sight...' You thought and sighed internally. The young couple was glimmering while the parents were happily chatting together. The place was green, flowers colourful with low walls in stone fencing in it all. They all wore pretty clothes, a happy and comfortable atmosphere was going on.

... And here you were. You looked like you just came from living hell (which wasn't completely wrong), your face was pale, your hair messy and you swear there was still some straw in your hair. Your clothes were torn up, with bits of bandages and bloody band-aids everywhere on your skin. In this situation, you were the definition of 'contrast'.

-"Wow. Right now, (Y/N), you look more traumatized than me out of the Great War. And it was quite a thing back then." The voice of Berthold made you tilt your head towards him, he had approached you, leaving Caroline and Flora (Hannah's mom) talking together.

"I guess so... Sorry to break the mood." You sighed, frowning slightly. You tried to pick a sprig of straw from your hair but he was faster and tucked it out himself, his touch was comforting. A reminder that he was still there, from the beginning, even if everyone else was gone.

-"Don't worry about it, you don't break anything. The only thing that bothers me is that you're looking so tired and sad. I know you've been through a lot since last time we saw each other, but I'm completely unaware of what exactly." Berthold told you, furrowing his eyebrows a little while he takes out the rest of the straw. You pursued your lips, looking down. You didn't know what to say.

-"I've met more countryhumans. And it just resulted in more hell and suffering." You said, and he winced slightly.

-"Ugh, those things aren't fun to be with. And I'm lucky to have seen only one." Berthold told you and rolled his eyes, shivering like if he got reminded of the most disgusting thing ever. What he said made you look at him in confusion.

-"You've met one? Who?" You wondered in confusion. Berthold glanced at the others from the corner of his eye, seeing they were still in their happy chatting, he looked back at you.

-"Who is ruling our country right now?" He asked, without actually expecting an answer. You you widened your eyes, you didn't expect Berthold to have met him nor talked to him.

-"You met Third Reich?! When, why?!" You exclaimed, a creeping feeling in your chest. You feared the answer. Berthold wasn't high in society, it was clear he hated the Third Reich and wanted to do nothing with it, so why would he 'meet' Third Reich? Berthold just shrugged.

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