Chapitre 25

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You dropped the bouquet in shock, you were completely unable to move for a few seconds before you body started shaking. Tears formed into the corners of your eyes, your pupils weren't frozen like the rest of your body, they were reading and reading forever these same lines, trying to see, trying to find one clue that could tell you it was fake...

... But you didn't found any.

Your friend, the first one that was introduced to you in this world was no more. Christoph was dead.

You couldn't stand it anymore. You fell on your knees, in front of the tomb of your past friend, now fully crying.

You never experienced the loss of a close one. You already went to burials before but it was just some family members that you had never met or had attachment to.

But this... Christoph was your friend, a close one even... You never got so quickly close with someone than with him and Berthold.

You let out sobs, not caring if your pyjamas got dirty with the mud of the ground, you must have looked pretty pitying, looking like that.

You felt someone sitting next to you, you slowly turned your head towards the presence, your blurred eyes met the little girl's.

She had a sad look on her face, she seemed to have drastically changed since the last minute. She seemed to be older now, she wasn't acting like the child she were.

She rubbed your back, trying to calm you down but it only brought you back another wave of pain.

She didn't deserved that, she deserved to keep her innocence, she doesn't deserve to know the violence of the world, she doesn't deserve this terrible loss.

She deserved to live happily with her parents, both parents. She deserved to feel the joy of hugging her father once again when the war was over, to live happy moments with him.

How could this happen? When exactly did this happen? If you were here, could you have been able to save him? You already saved him once, you could have done it a second time, so where were you when this happened?

-"Please... Don't blame yourself." You  raised your head at the voice, it was Christoph's wife. Christoph's wife... You didn't even know her name. She kneeled down at your level like she did earlier with her child even if now it was a grown adult.

-"You didn't know about it right?" She asked you calmly, you just nodded weakly. She engulfed you into a hug, not caring if you were dirty. You closed your eyes and let out a shaky sigh, desperately trying to calm you down.

-"When did this happen?" You asked her quietly.

-"A month ago, but we found it only a few weeks ago."

-"I'm sorry... If I was here maybe I could have saved him, I already healed him once." You admitted, she just shushed you.

-"It's not your fault, I know he is happy that you healed him once, but he wouldn't have liked that you save him twice, he would have felt guilty for all his comrades fallen without getting any help." You sniffed, knowing she was right, it calmed you down a bit.

-"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, after all Christoph is still here next to us, I know he will keep a close eye on us." She said, her calming voice making your eyes heavy, you closed them, tired of crying so much. She was still rubbing your back before you drifted off to sleep.

She noticed you had fallen asleep and smiled a bit, even in the sorrow, you have to respect and accept the contingencies of life. She looked more closely at your features, sure, you made it clear that you didn't see yourself as an angel but she couldn't help but think that way, after all, such features, such appearance... It was only pictured in the paintings and engravings of the appearances of angels and holy beings... And that feeling... Being so close of you, she just felt so... Alive.

It's not Real!...Or is it ?(YANDERE COUNTRYHUMANS X READER)Where stories live. Discover now