Chapitre 29

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(Y/N) Pov:

You and (B/F/N) watched in surprise as this new person came in, closed the door, and went back to staring right at you.

You both shared a glance. You didn't expect to see America here, or more exactly the 13 Colonies. Before you could say a thing (B/F/N) let out a gasp.

-"OH. MY. GOD." Before you could comprehend anything they ran to 13 Colonies and immediately engulfed him into a hug.

-"You're so cuteeee!!!" They exclaimed, still embracing him. You would think that he would have at least a reaction but no... He was still staring at you, ignoring the person hugging his side. It was rather... Disturbing. Plus the fact that he didn't blink once since he came in the room added more to this feeling. His empty eyes really seemed lifeless while scrutinizing your soul.

Maybe that's why he wears glasses in the future, he didn't understand the whole concept of blinking! You sweatdropped at his reaction to (B/F/N)'s hug.

-"(B/F/N), Stop it, he's not a child..." You crossed your arms and sighed. 13 Colonies seemed to perk up at this and had the slightest reaction he could have: he blinked. Still in your direction, but this time his eyes hided a hint of surprise to your words.

(B/F/N) let go of him while scratching their neck.

-"yeah, sorry..." They apologized to him but he ignored it. They chuckled awkwardly and went back to sit on their bed.

-"So..  Uhm... What's your name?" You asked him, his body and face stayed frozen but for an unknown reason, you could feel that he was taken aback.

-"People call me Thirteen Colonies." He said. Simple. Straight to the point, like he was afraid of rambling. However, something in his answer pulled a string in you.

-"'People call you'? Your name have to be approved by you, not by other people. If you want to be called something else, then just say it." You calmly said, that definitely provoked a reaction since he took a hold of his shirt and tightened his grip to not show any changes on his face.

You furrowed your eyebrows and simply walked towards him. He looked up at you. He was rather small for his age... Wait how old was he?

-"Hold up... How old are you?" You asked him, seeing that he just arrived to your collar bone. He seemed to notice the nature of your question and his eyebrows furrowed a little.

-"In human years I'm almost 200 years old but I'm physically and mentally 13 years old." You raised an eyebrow, 13? Seriously Author? You're sure they just were lazy and picked up this because of his name. He seemed to think that your facepalm was directed at him and he crossed his arms, almost glaring at you.

-"But, I hadn't finished growing up! I'll definitely be taller than you when my puberty is done." You laughed a bit.

-"It wasn't against you! I thought of someone else, that's all." You reassured him. He looked at you in the eyes for a second, his almost sparkling.

-"Uhm... You okay there?" You asked him and he seemed to got out of his transe. He froze for a moment before his eyes widened in what you could define as pure horror.

-"Please! Don't report it to British Empire!" He exclaimed, taking your hand in his, his face showing clear distress.

-"Of course I won't, I don't even know what you're talking about!" You reasoned him. He seemed to calm down immediately at your words. He looked aways, his face now as emotionless as before.

-"Thank you." He mumbled. You noticed that he was still holding your hand, making you wonder if you should remind him before deciding to stay shut which seemed to please him. You could already feel (B/F/N)'s interrogating gaze from behind you.

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