Chapitre 17

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When you finished eating German Empire asked Berlin to bring the two brothers to their room which he did. 'Is he their babysitter or something?'. Soon you and German Empire got out of the room to be in the same hall than last chapter.

-"How did you find the food?" Asked German Empire, you looked at him with excited eyes, ready to present your favourite subject.

-"It was so good! I felt like a celebrity to eat such food! I had some troubles with the multiples forks but I managed to do it correctly or at least I think. But back to the food. It was magnificent! When you said it was bad quality I almost had a heart attack like, what's good quality for you!? Seriously, the meat was cooked perfectly and was succulent! Personally I think the food I preferred... Was... Uhm." You stopped your rambling. You had been a little bit too concerned by the subject and had motioned every argument by swagging your arms everywhere. You must have looked like a complete child!

-"Sorry, I got too excited." You said and looked up at German Empire. He had a weird face, like he hold back a laughter, you were offended.

-"What are you laughing at?!" You exclaimed while pointing at him, he couldn't do it anymore, he laughed out loud loudly, and clutched his knees to support him from falling on the ground.

You were frozen. It's the first time you see him laugh, he would only chuckles slightly and now he was laughing his heart out almost crying while trying to not fall. He seemed so... happy and cheerful. Soon you feel heat rising to your cheeks from seeing him like that. You jumped out of your trance and tried acting like you weren't blushing like crazy.
Emphasis on 'tried'.

-"He-Hey stop that okay!" You almost screamed while your voice betrayed you by stuttering. God, you sounded like a tsundere! You slap your face to put you in the right mind. German Empire was trying to recompose himself but failed at your 'magnificent' come back. It took a few minutes for him to calm down, you were still red but now it was because you were angry and offended. No one laugh at you this way beside (B/F/N) darn it!

-"Sorry..." He said while still shaking a bit from the laughter.

-"You just looked like a child that had just received a birthday cake." He said with a annoying smile. You just grumbled with the arms crossed. He chuckled. 'Back to your old state I see.' You thought.

-"So what are you planning to do now? It's just 1pm" He said. 'Only 1pm?! I feel like it's evening!'

-"Uhm... I don't know to be honest." What could you do?... You have an idea.

-"Oh wait I know! I just wanted to know if the soldiers were still eating?" You asked German Empire. Maybe you could see Christoph and Berthold! German Empire on the other hand didn't seem very happy with your question but answered anyways.

-"Yes they are. Why?" He said rudely, narrowing his eyes.

-"I thought that maybe I could see my friends and talk with them to tell them what happened. They must be worried!" You said trying to argument your request. He seemed very annoyed.

-"Why do you want to spend all of your time with these... Persons?" He asked, venom in his voice. You could see he caught himself by saying 'persons' instead of an offensive word. 'He don't seems to like them very much, or is he protective of me? I don't know man.' You thought.

-"Well, to answer your question it's because they are my friends duh. And I think you have others things to do than be with me so I'll be bored and alone." You explained without too much details. He seemed to think about it before sighing in defeat.

-"I guess you're right. But, I would like to spend time with you when I got my work done." He ordered. You were a bit confused. 'Why does he want to spend so much time with me? Is he already attracted to my godlike appearance? You joked internally, not believing it.

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