Chapitre 12

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"Et sagte mir er wolle dich um 7 uhr morgens treffen."

"He told me he wanted to meet you at 7am."

I will now use underlined text when the language spoke is German since it will be easier to make conversations but I'll still translate when it's another language than German. (if you prefer with the German translation more just say it.)

Also I may switch they/them with you/your for (Y/N).


Third person Pov:

We're now seeing a empty corridor, the only noises that were troubling the calm of the morning were footsteps which seemed to be rapidly approaching. We could now distinct two figures that were almost running in this direction. One of them seemed to be a soldier, he was holding the other person's arm with a strong grip, the latest struggling to get free, the silence was broken by the voice of who we could now identify as our protagonist's.


"You can't just say this to me and then drag me forcefully, I need to prepare myself mentally for a second!!"

"I'm sorry but we're already late, I don't want to make him more annoyed than already!"

"I know but I'm still freaking out! Did you see my face? It's fricking 7am in the morning and I am in the same clothes that I slept in! Not without mentioning that my hair is a mess, the same with my face and I'm about to meet the most important person in the country! It's one of a good first impression ! And what will I say? I'm so stressed!

(Y/N) complained, they weren't one of particularly care about their appearance but here it's completely different! They didn't know what will happens and how they will react to see for the first time a countryhuman, the same countryhumans they liked to draw and talked about with (B/F/N), the same countryhumans they created stories on, how they will react to see them in real life ? They had a little idea already, they're gonna freak out. A lot. And maybe simp internally we never know. Of course, they weren't alone in this, Christoph was there to stress with them! And reassure them too like the great friend he is.

"I don't think you need to worry about that, your appearance is still very beautiful and unique, I don't think he'll see these minor details." He replied, still holding their arm and drag them further in the corridor. Even without looking back, he could feel the smug look on his friend's face and he sighed tiredly before they could even speak.

"Wow, Christoph, if I kept listening to you, I'll think you're in love with me." They said with a smirk, trying to humor the situation .

"It was just a compliment, don't think too much of it, shall I remind you that I'm married?" He replied, a little smile still popping on his face. (Y/N) placed dramatically a hand on their chest.

"Oh my god! Christoph are you cheating on me? I'm so heartbroken!" They exclaimed, false tears running on their cheeks. They looked back at Christoph who got back his nervous look. They frowned. 'Did I say something wrong?' Before they could ask, he talked back.

"Well I'm sorry but I'm afraid you have to wait a little while before starting to recover." He said while looking in front of him, you looked in the same direction, you both had stopped and were in front of a door. You didn't have to be told before realising that you both arrived. All the stress of before came back in one shot. You glanced at eachother, the both of you were filled with apprehension. You took a big breath in and breath it out. You looked back at Christoph before nodding.

"I'm ready we can go in."




Christoph knocked on the door. Soon, a voice told them to enter. Immediately, (Y/N) stiffens after hearing the voice, they could easily guess who owned it and oh dear, even the voice was intimidating (and hot- Shut up!).
Hesitantly, Christoph twisted the handle and opened the door of the office, he was at the front, hiding the sight of you from the people inside the room. He recognised the officer who bring him here the last time, and of course, the German Empire himself, still sitting on his chair behind his office.

He enters, you on his heels, still hiding behind him, you hated it but you were scared. As soon as he saw him, the officer go to him angrily, the Empire was still silent.

"You, you're late for at least 15minutes! How dare you let our lord waiting for this enormous amount of time! Only for you to bring a supposed- His eyes widened at your figure who just took a step away from Christoph, refusing to hide behind him any longer. He just stayed on place, stuttering sounds which didn't make proper words. He honestly looked like a fish out of the water.

You looked at him, trying to suppress any sort of laughter but your playful state didn't last long when your eyes darted around the room and stopped at the desk in the middle of the room or more precisely, the one behind the desk, the German Empire.
His tricolor face was looking at you or more staring at you without blinking any time since you showed up. Even if he was definitely taken aback by your appearance, you couldn't decipher his expression nor say what was he thinking. You could just return the stare with the same piercing gaze, the room became suddenly very awkward.

(Y/N) Pov:




'Oh my god! What do I do!?', I clearly wasn't prepared for that, THE GERMAN EMPIRE was in front of me, staring at me like there is no tomorrow! It was very disturbing, he looked exactly like how I would draw him. 'Calm down (Y/N), calm down, you know very well than panicking will result to nothing.'

I kept analysing German Empire and I was almost thankful he was still doing the same since I'd look like a weirdo. He was wearing his military uniform (not like I expected him not to) but he didn't have his helmet on so I had a full view of his face. His face was very serious and intimidating, even if he is in his thoughts he seemed to always wants to maintain a dominant look. I swear that when I'm lost in thoughts I look like a lost puppy. I couldn't realise that was really happening, like seriously how would you react if you met a fictional character you loved?

German Empire got out of his trance and coughed in his hand, taking back everyone's attention on him. When he saw that everyone was listening he spoke.

"I must admit that the situation is quite surprising, but I think there is no need to waste any more time with blank silence."

His voice was still giving you goosebumps, it was very intimidating and deep.

"Officer, now that they finally arrived I don't think you have any other business here so I will ask you to leave." He asked, but more ordonned, to the Officer still standing in the middle of the room who seemed to be taken aback by the country's demand.

"Sir, I... I don't think it's.." He started but was cut out by the German Empire who looked at him sternly.

"It's an order, Officer. I also wish that this situation is kept secret until I said so." I could easily see that the Empire was pissed. The Officer gulped but nodded anyways and rushed out of the room closing the door behind him. It left only me, Christoph and German Empire in the room. You sighed internally and thought ironically.

'This is where the fun begins.'

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