Chapitre 7

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(Y/N) Pov:

'Why is this so silent?' I shrugged. 'And where is everyone?'

While shaking a bit I managed to stand up. It was hard, after all I just collapsed from exhaustion and I still have to do physical efforts, what sick joke is this?

I looked around me, it was a horrible mess with equipment everywhere. It was like if everyone suddenly ran out of where they came from and threw everything on the ground.

For now I was searching for a familiar face, everytime I'd fall asleep I would appear next to Berthold or Christoph when they had a break from fighting so today wouldn't be different right?


It's at this moment I hear fast footsteps behind me, people were running in my direction! I didn't know if it would be people I know so I start to back up a little, fear starting to creep inside me. What if they want to hurt me?

So I did what a decent person would do and ran away in the opposite sens of the footsteps. While I was running I heard someone calling for me.

"Eh toi!"(Eh you!)

My blood ran cold. It wasn't German! But I could recognise the trench so what was they doing here?!

"Reviens ici!!"(Come back here!!)

Somehow, my brain did the same thing that with the Germans and I understood what he said, even if it was french.

So the battle I was in was the french against the Germans, maybe Verdun or something. But why are they in the trench?

My eyes widened at the realisation and I run faster. If they are here, that means they won in the no man's land and they killed all the Germans they came across, where are Berthold and Christoph?! Christoph can't even walk properly due to his injuries, is he okay?

I saw movements ahead of me, German soldiers! They were retreating, maybe they know where my friends are!

They seemed to have noticed me following them and I felt shotguns coming my way. The world seemed to have stopped, they thought I was a French soldier.

They recognised me but it was too late, I was gonna be shot. I closed my eyes for the impact.

Who never came.
Confused, I reopened my eyes, the soldiers were in front me, confusion and relief in their eyes.
I looked down at myself I didn't have any injury. 'Where did the bullets go?' I thought. I stayed on place, completely lost.

Until I heard muffled screams behind me. I look back and see french soldiers on the ground, blood leaking out of their clothes. I realised that the bullets fazed inside me and hitted the soldiers who were on my heels.

I quickly got out of my confused state and rushed towards the Germans, they took my arm and run towards the end of the trench to safety.

"Do you know where Christoph and Berthold are?"

I ask the one who were holding me while we were running.

"Als ich sie das letzte Mal gesehen habe, hat Berthold Christoph auf dem Rücken gehalten, aber sie waren sehr langsam, ich weiß nicht, ob es ihnen gut geht.
(The last time I saw them, Berthold was holding Christoph on his back, but they were very slow, I don't know if they're okay.)

The last bit made me a bit worried but we were still running.
I didn't know where would I be next so I was kinda on erges, I was still in the middle of a serious battle darn it!

Suddenly, I heard faint call of help in the brouhaha that was happening, I recognised that voice, that was Berthold's !

I looked everywhere and I saw a turn in the trench, the other soldiers didn't seemed to have heard the calls but I did, I run in the little alley despise the calls of the other soldiers.

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