Chapitre 28

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The whole place was silent, even the captured natives didn't dare to make a sound. The Empire was standing tall, looking down at the two figures ahead of him.

While (B/F/N) was afraid and shook slightly, you, on the other hand was maintaining the stare.

That's one of the reason why his attention switched between the both of you but still remained longer on your figure. (lol (B/F/N) get no bitches)

Even though you were on the ground, dirtied by the previous events, you still remained composed and silent.

The truth is that now, you couldn't wake up in your world anymore, this is your world now. And you didn't plan to be toyed with as a simple doll, using your fear as a weapon.

That's why you continued to stare at him directly in the eyes. You weren't planning on being ordered around, you were going to stand for yourself and (B/F/N) .

In WW1, you made a mistake, you believed you were weak, and, because of this, everyone you cared about died. Even you were shot!

The British Empire broke the stare contest first by smiling at himself. What a surprise. With all the experience he had, he couldn't identify what you two were, but, something inside him told him that you weren't ordinary, that you weren't meant to be here, aside of your appearance.

At least, you seemed somewhat civilised. Not like these other people. He was mostly intrigued by you. Even tho you've seen the violence he caused, you don't show any signs of fear, not like your little friend. (She's not like other girls- I'm sorry, I had to do it...🤣 No, (Y/N) isn't a girl it was just for the joke)

You were scared, alright, but you still remained proud enough to not show it. However, it takes more than that to fool a country like himself. He could see that you were scared about what would happen next.

But, with your good attempt to stay unfazed, he respected you. Plus, he wanted to know more about both of you. Why do you look like that? Why were you siding with the natives? And most importantly... Why does he get the feeling that you two were far more powerful than him?

He gestured to his soldiers to go away to let you have some space. Once that's done, he looked back at you two.

-"Now that we are alone, I would like to know who are you both." He said calmly. When he saw he didn't get of you any reaction his eyebrows furrowed a little.
'Do they not understand me? It would be troublesome, yet again it could be that they are still in shock.'

-"Do you at least understand me? I quite think that it would be easier this way." He smiled politely. After a few seconds he still didn't get an answer. His smile faltered and he turned around sighing nervously. Of course they don't understand him, they must be speaking the uncivilised language of these natives.

He was ready to walk away when suddenly you spoke.

-"We do, actually." He stopped right in his path and turned back towards you. When he figured out that it was you who talked, a small blush went on his cheeks.

Your voice was so... Angelic. And the way you talked perfectly in his language, his language, made him flush even more. Plus the way you looked at him in the eyes with determination but still with a hint of fear couldn't help but make him think that you were gorgeous, not only that, but that you were also perfect.

He was frozen for a bit but still managed to get out of his trance, trying to stop his eyes from looking at you even if it felt impossible.

-"Alright then!" He smiled, showing his perfect white teeth.

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