Chapitre 6

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It's been almost a week since I had any rest. Not like I didn't sleep but more like It couldn't bring me the energy I needed.

Each time I would fall asleep, I would be transported into the countryhumans's world and whatever I was doing here impacted me when I woke up so I would likely lose energy 24h/24h without any rest.

And honestly, it started to really affect my health. I started avoiding my parents so that they don't see me in this state and worry about me. For now they think that I want to take my distance for a new start.

After all, I started looking for an studio to move in. I talked to (B/F/N) if they wanted to live with me and they agreed, not without saying: 'Dude, did you fall in love with me or something?'. I laughed, they were the only one who noticed my state since I spend most of the time with them.

Concerning my dreams, I told about it to them and they were very concerned and excited at the same time.'It's sooo cool ! We're like in a fanfiction! I just hope you won't die, I would get sad.'

Thank you (B/F/N).

Talking about my dreams, I always appear next to Berthold. In one hand it's great since I'd be lost but in the other hand, he still thinks I'm a sort of angel due to my 'divine appearances'. I lost the count of how many times I told him not to call me that.

I also properly met Christoph, the soldier in my first dream, when he was recovering. He started crying because a lot of people started to call him crazy since he mentioned having 'met an angel'. He slowly started to believe it so when he saw I was real (even if I told him I wasn't an angel) and standing next to one of his last friends he cried out of relief.

I didn't met or saw any countries for now but I don't look forward to it. I am in the time of WW1 and everyone around me is in war. Even if they don't look like the humans I know, they have their own personality and are still living beings, so when I see them injured, dead or in pain in general, I can't just say to myself 'When I would meet German Empire? He's hot.' .(even if I think so).

It's completely different of reading stories or watching videos of war when you are in it, even if when I fall asleep I always appear next to people I know and when they are not fighting, but the atmosphere still scares me.

Coming back to my lack of sleep, the only moment where I could rest would be inside my dreams since I don't wake up instantly when I fall asleep.(Falling asleep when already asleep, do you believe that?) But I would try to know how much time I'm out to not cause the same thing than last time with my parents believing I'm dead.

For now, in my dreams I am in a trench where Berthold and Christoph are both part of the same squad with other soldiers. Only a few know me and they were as shocked than the other two when they saw me. It's been a few days and they decided to not tell anything to the highers-up, that's why I love them, I don't know what the highers-up will do if they know of a potential 'angel' appearing in one of their trench.

(Yes, the others soldiers started calling me an angel too, even if I told them not to.)

Also, I figured out that they think I speak german, that's why they weren't confused when I first talk. So I wonder, would it be the same for other languages and if yes what will they hear from me if two people speaking different languages were with me? Anyways, I'm too lazy to think about it since my exams are today! Me, stressed?Not at all!😅 I'm just waiting for my alarm to-

BEEP BEEP BEEP ! (I really have a problem with the alarm 😐)

(Y/N) Pov:

I opened my eyes, in my dream I was laying on Berthold's 'bed' (not like this you dirty children) because he didn't wanted his 'almighty angel' to sleep on the ground so I could rest a little bit before my exams but I was still slightly awake in case my alarm rang, somehow I can still hear it faintly.

I jolted up from bed to go grab something for breakfast before my parents wake up, so they couldn't see my awful eye bags and the state I was in.

After I ate my breakfast and took a shower I quickly get out of my house to go to the bus stop.


I walked towards (B/F/N) who were already here (Do they wake up at 3am or something?!) And greet them.

"Hey (B/F/N)."

They went up to me and looked at my eyes.

"Hey (Y/N), I see that your eyes are worse than before."

"Don't say that, I slept a little bit in my dream tonight!"

"Say less. On the ground?"

"No! On a bed!"

"The poorly-made bed that one of your friend soldier would lend to you because they wouldn't stand to see their 'angel'on the ground?"

I blushed from embarassment and anger.

"Stop calling me that, and respect my friends!"

They laughed at my misery

"I respect your friends, it's just that I find it funny they call you an angel, but I don't have any problem with them."

I crossed my arms angrily and grumbled. They sighed in defeat.

"Are you at least ready for today?"

"Yep, I'm excited!"

They looked at me weirdly.


"Yep, that means I can relax after and we could discuss about the studio we'll share! It'll be amazing !"

I calmed down myself and looked at the ground, with a sad look.

"That also means I can stop worrying about my parents seeing me like this and I could discuss with you about the whole 'dream' thing."

They pat me on the shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry about that, okay? It's true that it will be amazing and I'm looking forward to it but for now let's focus on the exams."

I smiled at them.

"You're right let's go!"


I ran out of the school throwing my arms everywhere and yelling.

"Finallyy!!!! It's finally over!!!!"

I didn't care about the people looking at me weirdly, I was just happy I was free from these exams. (B/F/N) joined me shortly after. When we finished we sat on the ground, exhausted, the tiredness of the sleepless nights coming back at me.

"I think I'm gonna pass out"

I joked. (B/F/N) looked at me with me with a tired look.

"Please, don't die on me I don't want to carry you to your house, I'm exhausted."

I laughed, this was great, the exam's stress was no more. Suddenly, I felt my eyes close and my vision going black. I could only feel my body fell back and (B/F/N) exclaims my name before I completely pass out.




" ..y/n..."


You jolt up, your back going up in one second, your breathing was heavy. You looked around yourself, this was the trench, you were in your dream.

It's not the first time you pass out from exhaustion, the first exemple would be PE class where you pass out everytime and appears in the noisy trench once again.

But your ears catch no noise. There was only silence, no talking, no running, no screaming, only a plain and deafening silence. The soft and cold wind going into your back gave you goosebumps.

Something tells you it will not be like the other times.

It's not Real!...Or is it ?(YANDERE COUNTRYHUMANS X READER)Where stories live. Discover now