Chapter 18: World Domination

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Dipper POV

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Dipper POV

It's been a week since the dome around gravity falls had been broken down. Bill and I decided it would be best to let the weirdness run wild throughout the world before making ourselves known.

I also wanted to prepare a world system once we fully take control. Sure, I didnt mind the world falling to pieces- but I still want a place to rule. Bill reluctantly agreed, as did alcor. It was difficult explaining to two destructive demons why a ruling a world in shambles would be seriously boring.

Ok I may have had to give that idiot dorito a blowjob or two to convince him fully. Alcor is inside of me, so he has no choice but to go along with it. Bill and I are currently floating above the WTTC where an annual global summit is being held.

I noticed a red glowing dot aimed at the center of Bill's forehead. I chuckle, looking down at the army below us. "We've been spotted bill." I say with a gleeful smile.

"About time. Should we greet them with a show pinetree?" Bill ask with a mischievous grin.

"Oh please do."

Bill would then wrap his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. My eyes widen, a bit surpised by his actions- that was until he pulls me into a rather deep kiss. I try to fight him off at first- this is no time for a make out session! He moves his hand from my waist to my ass, squeezing it harshly- making me gasp.

He easily slides his tongue into my mouth, making me forget why I was trying to push him off in the first place. I give into him, pressing my chest against his while wrapping my arms around his shoulders- completely melting....

Until hearing rounds of gunfire heading straight towards us. I wait for them to hit us, not foucs enough to do anything about it. To my daze filled surpise, none of them hit us. Bill pulls away from our kiss, licking his lips before giving me one last peck.

"Looks like they didn't like our show." Bill said, pouting playfully.

"Then give them something more...death defying.", I whisper into his ear before nibbling behind it.

Bill groans, his side eye making me giggle as I pull away from him. He let's his shield down as the soldiers load another round. He holds up both hands, a wide smile crossing his features.

"Alright alright! I get it, not into the demon on demon contact- I just couldn't help myself. Needed a different adrenaline high." He said, giving me a wink which makes me roll my eyes. "Now for the real show stopper!"

With a snap of both his fingers, all of their firearms and rounds blows up- blood and limps flying everywhere. Most died instantly while others passed slowly. Hearing Bill's laughter and gruesome sight before us brought an odd twitch in my pants.

"Fuck...dipper not here not now. You have to foucs." I whisper to myself, watching bill open a portal leading straight into the room the summit is taking place in.

A laugh erupts from me at the sight of their fearful faces, their guards all aiming guns at us. "Don't make another move!"

Bill being bill mockingly takes a step forward, earning a bullet through his shoulder. He looks at his arm, laughing at the blood and pain. It's hard to tell with him sometimes-

"That's some mighty big balls you got there! Considering I killed your army with only the snap of my fingers. Now just imagine what I could do to you..." he said threatenly, making me feel the twitch in my pants even more.

I loudly clear my throat, holding my hands up mockingly. "Alright alright, my apologies for my partner here- he can be a bit...unhinged at times." I say, lowering my hands to my sides. "Now I'm sure we can talk like civil humans, right?"

"Human? You!? You two destroyed our army! Just what excatly are you!?" The president of the United states shouts, standing from his sit.

I frown, rolling my shoulders irritably. I hate these snobby world leaders. "Telling you just ruins all the fun- does it not?", I grin.

"You sick twisted fu-"

"Wouldn't finish that if I were you! As I stated before, my partner is rather..." I watch as Bill snaps his fingers- rearranging all of holes in the president's face. ".....unhinged." I laugh, watching the male fall to his knees as the others shout in terror.

Unfortunately for me, my enjoyment is cut short by sudden rapid gunfire- all aimed at me. I tried forcing a shield up but, I still haven't gotten the hang of alcor's powers. Bill, however, quickly steps in front of me taking all of the bullets.

He holds a sadistic grin but begins coughing up blood. "Man! This seriously hilarious.." he grunts before falling to the ground, passed out.

I know he isn't dead. I know he just needs time to heal. I know he did that on purpose just to see what it felt like to have bullets in every part of your body. But just...seeing him all bloodied on the ground like this...really doesnt sit well with me. I raise my head, my eyes unblinking as my feel my body begin to shift to alcor's- but I still have full control.

"I take back what I said about him." I state, my tail swaying as I lock eyes with everyone. "I'm the one that's completely off my rocker-"

I raise my hand, forcing all guns and other weapons to the floor- a blast of yellow flames swallowing them whole. I place a ring of yellow flames around each person in the room, tilting my head at their seamlessly helpless situation.

Cracking my neck I say, "Let's cut to the chase since my partner isn't awake for this. Surrender the world or-"

"Or what you mon-"

The leader over Korea burns to ashes before completing his sentence. I grin, looking at everyone else. "...or die. So what will it be? Try not to let your pride send you to an early grave." I warn.

Despite my warning, each world leader say no- turning to ash right after. This continues until I'm looking at the eye that is placed wear the mouth should be on the president's face. "You.... just shake your head."

The male nods his head, bringing a maniacal smile to my face. I fix his face with the snap of my fingers, holding out my hand covered in yellow flames. He hesitantly reaches for it, grasping it meekly. I begin cackling, gripping his hand do tightly that a few bones begin to break.

He begins to fall to his knees until I hold him up by his arm. I place my free hand on the collar of his shirt, bringing his face itches away from mine. "Cross me and you'll wish you were dead. Understand?"

The male nods his head, trying to pull his hand out of my grasp. I release it, making him fall to the ground. "It's a deal then!"

Bill finally regains consciousness and jumps up from the ground. He floats towards me, pulling me against him from behind. I rest the back of my head against his shoulder as he planets several kisses along my neck- making me close my eyes.

"What did I miss pinetree?" He questions, playfully moving his hand under my shirt while locking eyes with the president.

I open my eyes, raising my hand to run through his hair as I shamelessly grind my ass against him. I tilt my head to whisper in his ear, side eyeing the president- his face mixed with horror and disgust. "One hell of a show...."





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