Chapter 11: Captured

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Dipper POV

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Dipper POV

I jump up, covered in sweat. My head feels fuzzy and my vision blurry. I groan at the headache pounding at my skull. I tug against something which causes my eyes to widen. "What the hell-."

"I see you're awake." I hear a gargled voice say.

I jump, my eyes darting around the dark room trying to find the source of the voice that sounds familiar. "Who's there?!"

"Calm down Dipper. It's me." The voice calls, walking towards me.

I tense while closing my eyes as a bright light illuminate the room. I open my eyes, frowning at the person in front of me. "Ford...."

He hums in response, staring at me with a hateful gaze that didn't faze me. "I see you still know who I am. I guess bill didn't brain wash you to that extent." He said more to himself while writing notes in a notebook.

"How are you even here?! Bill captured you. He turned you to st-"

"It was a clone. That army was nothing but clones of everyone."

"How.....did you do that?"

"I've dealt with the supernatural world longer than you boy. I might be old, but that doesn't mean I don't have tricks up my sleeve."

I grind my teeth together, glaring deeply into his eyes. "Why did you capture me?" I asked through my teeth.

"Simple. To fix you." He States, closing his notebook.

I roll my eyes at that response. "I don't need to be fixed Ford. There's nothing wrong with me."

"Yes there is Dipper. You're a psychopath."

I tilt my head slightly, chuckling. "So? And? That still doesn't mean I need to be fixed I'm perfectly fine."

He shakes his head, walking to the corner of the room. He turns on another light switch, a table of many tools appearing under the light. My eyes widen as I tug against the rope he used to tie me to this wooden chair.

"Bill brainwashed you Dipper. The great grandson I know would've never killed his parents, murder innocent people in cold blood, and never abandon his sister."


"Mable told us what happened to you. She made one mistake Dipper. Everyone makes mistakes. Instead on holding that grudge with her, you should have forgiven her."

My eyes widen at his words, a smile twisting its way onto my face. "Forgive her? You're joking? That's hilarious!" I say while laughing loudly. "I will NEVER forgive that bitch. In fact, I want to rip every single nail off her fingers and toes. Then, I want to cut off her fingers slowly then her toes. After that I'm going to rip her hair out of her head with my bare hands. But that's only the beginning! Sadly, no amount of physical pain can condone the emotional pain she put me through..that all of you put me through! I want her dead! Buried six feet down in hell! And I'll gladly be the one to bring her the fate she deser-"

Ford cuts me off by a harsh slap to my cheek. He slaps me so hard that he spits my lip open, the taste of iron lingering on my taste buds. "Don't you ever talk about Mable in front of me like that! She is your twin sister for crying out loud Dipper! that bill talking through you? You sick demon! Leave my family alone!" He shouts in my face, grabbing my jaws tightly in his hand.

I spit blood in his face, making me step away from me. He reaches for a cloth as I pull against the rope so hard that I'm causing rope burns around my wrist and ankles, but I didn't care. The moment he addressed me as his family set my skin on fire.

"Let me make something clear to you Ford because I don't think you understood me the first time I said it." I said, feeling my smile stretch even wider while my eyes bulge. "This isn't Bill. This is me. This is aaaaaaaall Dipper! Ahahaha! And I am NOT family to you. You, Mable, Stan, and anyone else that gets in my way is my enemy. And what do I do to enemy's? I kill them you describe it? In cold blood...sure you could say it like that, but to me it's art. The way they screamed...the blood against my skin..their guts pouring out of their stomachs oooooooooohhhh I'm getting chills just thinking about it! better hope I never get loose from these ropes...because if I do the first thing I'm going to do is kill you. I'm going to cut so deep into your throat that your head will barely be hanging by the flesh of your neck!" I shout, cackling maniacally.

Ford POV

I can't believe my eyes. This couldn't be Dipper. The Dipper I wanted to be my apprentice. This Dipper...this Dipper is broken. While laughing like a lunatic, he is also crying like a new born baby.

I can't tell if he is angry or sad...full of malice or just miserable. Maybe Dipper is just insane. I stare at him, noticing a strange tattoo on his bicep. I slowly walk closer to him but jump back in fear.

His iris's are glowing a bright shade of yellow, the tattoo on both on his back and bicep glowing as well. I grab a knife from the steal table. I cut off his tank top, my eyes wondering up and down his arm, chest, and back.

Dipper suddenly stops laughing, but his tears didn't stop flowing from his eyes. He whimpers in pain as his tattoos begin to glow brighter and steam leaving from them. My eyes widen in disbelief as I watch his skin become a light shade of blush red.

I take a few steps away from the boy in horror. " didn't actually go through with the transformation process of becoming a dream demon.....did you?"

His head hung low, tears dripping into his knees as his body becomes limp. He chuckles weakly, slowly looking up at me with crazed eyes. "O-Oh I did Ford. And Bill...who would've thought that a dream demon was soooooooo good at sex! I never felt so alive in my entire life....." He groans, drool slipping pass his lips. "Damn he's so big too...."

My face scrunches up in pure disgust. "Bill forced you into sleeping with him?! You're nothing but a slave to him Dipper! When will you open your eyes and realize, you mean absolutely nothing to him!"

Something in his eyes changed to a sorrow that I can't comprehend. "You're wrong about one thing, but right about the other. Bill didn't force me...He never forced me to do anything I didn't want to do. However, h-he did think of me as his slave. Even called me useless...a-after everything I've done!" He shouts, voice cracking in between his words.

"But do you have any idea what you've done to yourself?" I question calmly. Upsetting him will get me nowhere.

He stares at him, his gaze making me uncomfortable. "Yes I do. I'm no longer going to be useless. I'm no longer going to be weak. I'm going to be power! The most powerful dream demon you've ever seen! I'm going to show all of you just how strong I really am! Bill isn't the one you should fear! I WILL MAKE YOUR WORSE NIGHTMARES COME TO LIFE! I WILL BECOME THE EMBODIMENT OF FEAR, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME FORD!"

If this boy is dishing out the truth, then he could kill us all. This isn't my great nephew. This isn't the young man I wanted to make my apprentice. This Dipper is a monster, and the only way to cure the monster inside if him will be to reform him into a new version of himself.

"You're also wrong about something Dipper. There is a way to stop you. I will stop the transformation process. I will fix you, reform you. Sadly, this requires me to do experiments on you, and my experiments are anything but painful. If this is what it takes to save the greater good then so be it." I grab a bottle of holy water, a syringe, a scalpel, and my notebook. I glance at the holy water and syringe before meeting his conflicting and fearful gaze.

"Now.....let's begin."

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