Chapter 21: Reserve Falls

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Dipper POV

Ironic how I did all that whining about 'I can protect myself!' when I somehow managed to get kidnapped- AGAIN! I mean seriously, is this going to be a normal occurrence? I rather not play 'the damsel in distress' continuously.

Anyways, I pry my eyes open- surprised my head isn't aching. At this point I know Bill isn't joking with me, but I refuse to believe he has a look-a-like. No way there's two of him! I try to asses my surroundings, but the darkness makes it nearly impossible.

I'm tied to a chair by rough rope I can only assume is made of unicorn hair. No matter how many times I try to use my powers, nothing happens. I sigh heavily in frustration, throwing my head back. So is this how it's always going to be? I have to be put in some type of danger for Bill to open up to me more?

I chuckle bitterly, "this is ridiculous..."

The room is suddenly filled with light, blinding me momentarily. I blink a few times, trying to regain my vision when a eerily similar voice makes my blood boil.

"Oh look! He's awake."

Finally having my sight, my eyes widen at the figures standing a few feet away from me. this can't be real. Mable? And...ANOTHER ME!?

"Oh wow brother, he does look exactly like you- his eyes are different though!" Mable grins, stepping closer to get a better look at my appearance.

The other me stays within the shadows of the room with the one who kidnapped me. I'm to stunned to speak and so very confused. This can't be able. How is she even speaking? Alcor ripped her fucking tongue out! What is happening!? I should allow force myself to calm down to think rationally, but the sight of this Mable look-a-like is pushing my limits.

"You...get the fuck out of my face!" I shout, pulling against my restraints.

Marble's crystal blue eyes widen as her wicked grin stretches. She moves closer, itches from my face. "Ooooooo well aren't you pissed. What has your panties in a-"

I lean my head back, head butting her in her nose then spit in her face. "What do you think!? You kidnapped me!"

Mable screeches in surpise, her hand raising to her nose that's how bleeding- her other hand grabbing a cloth from her pocket to wipe the spit and blood her once mischievous filled eyes turn crazed. She reaches forward, grabbing the collar of my night shirt.

"Finally, another toy to break!" She cheers, punching me straight in my stomach.

I gasp, shocked by the strength she packs. Mable then punches my jaw, then nose, then eye...fuck this mable is nothing like the one I know. She can throw down. I groan, filling my lip split open. She grabs a fistful of my hair, forcing my head up to look at her.

"Had enough?"

I grin, spitting the blood from my busted lip onto her face once again. "Not even close." I laugh, egging her on.

Her eyes fill with rage as she raises her fist to strike me again, but the other me finally decides to step in.

"That's enough sister."

Mable freezes, turning her head to glare at him. "But he-"

The other me raises his hand, leaving no room for discussion. Mable clicks her tongue, releasing my head after forcing it back harshly.

"Killjoy." She grumbles, walking off to take a sit.

But just has she's about to sit, a blue hue covers the chair- making it slide back just enough for mable to miss it and fall on her butt. She curses, turning to her brother. "You dick!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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