Chapter 20: "Not again!"

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Dipper POV

Things have been tense between Bill and I for the past two weeks. I've been giving him the silent treatment, and spending my nights in my studies. He tries talking to me, but I give him the cold shoulder. There's no reason to spean with that damn dream demon when he continues to hide things from me.

We're supposed to be partners, ruling this world together- which means no secrets! He knows everything about me, and after taking time to myself- I realize I hardly know much about him. He still hasn't explained how he knows Alcor. As far as Bill background goes, I only know what I've read within the journals.

Its incredibly frustrating, being so close yet so far from one another. Why can't that idiot just explain who ge keeps talking to over the phone!? I refuse to believe he's cheating. I finally gave him this world and this is how he'd repay me? I'd kill him. I wouldn't- but I'd kill whoever he'd cheat on me with.

Alright, I'm getting ahead of myself- clearly. On the bright side of my relationship issues, I've managed to draw up the perfect plan of ruling this earth as one. I've been attending meetings with the president, Bill accompanying me only to make appearances. I did most of the talking, of course.

I threw the way the healthcare system. Nothing but money hungry bastards keeping people sick, only to heal them temporarily just so they can return and gain more money in the process. I got rid of all science genetically modified food. Everything humans eat cause cancer. Education is mandatory, all drugs are gone, college is free, and the job market is attainable. I favored small business and destroyed huge ones full of crooked assholes.

Anyone without a job is to appoint back to school, all homeless will now have housings, taxes no longer exist, and anyone that replies on taxes to get paid will receive their money from me that I wire to the government. Now as for other nations, I kept everything the same, just changing a few laws so women are treated better.

Don't get me wrong, I truly don't care about any of the humans I've decided to help- this is all about ruling the world properly, leading the right way. Plus, I use to be a meaningless meat back- so I can relate a bit to their struggles.

"Ugh...meat sacks...I sound just like that idiot.."

"And that idiot sure does miss you."

I turn my head from my desk, noticing Pyronica at my front door. I groan inwardly, rolling my eyes and turning back to my journal. "And I should care why?"

"He's not cheating on you Dipper."

"That's good to know.", I grumble feeling a bit of weight lift from my heart- but I keep my face neutral.

"Dipper come on! Cut him some slack-"

I slap my pen on my desk, turning my chair around to glare at her. "He sent you here- didn't you?"

Pyronica stays silent, turning her head to avoid my harsh glare. "Dipper he means w-"

"I don't give a shit!" I shout, my voice somehow mixing with Alcor's. I feel my eyes shift as yellow flames sprout from my palms. "I'm not some weak human! He shouldn't keep anything from me! We're partners, lovers! I can't act obvious to his secrecy! We're supposed to be equals Pyronica! I...I have to stand my ground.." I feel the rage quickly turn into sadness. I sit back down, lowering my head. "...I know he must be hiding whatever it is to protect me, but it feels like he still doesn't respect me- I'm not that weak human anymore...I miss him too.."

I feel the tears begin to well in my eyes. I've put in so much work, trying to make Bill see me as an equal. I know he wants the best for me, but he doesn't need to protect me as he would if I were still human.

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