Chapter 6: "Its good to be back!"

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Dipper POV

I wake up with a splitting headache. I groan as I sit up, pressing and rubbing my fits against the temples of my forehead. I swing my legs off my bed and hiss out in pain from moving to fast.

"Damnit....Bill.." I said while standing up and leaning against the wall for support. "My head...hurts so much."

I hear Bill laugh before he speaks. "Sorry pine tree, I couldn't help myself. Seeing the fear in those meat sacks eyes brought so much joy!"

I tense from his shouting. " screaming." I beg while slowly walking to the restroom next door to my room.

"Right, you had a pretty memorable night huh?" Bill chuckles.

I take off my t-shirt and sweat pants, turning on the shower to a warm water setting. I step inside, letting out a sigh as my tense body slowly relaxes. I lower my body underneath the showerhead, humming to the feeling of the warm water running down my body and soothing my headache.

"Yes, but enough with games. My plan is to bring you back today, but I can't think of who my last sacrifice will be."

"Haha, oh come on pine tree. I'm sure there's someone out there who's stupid enough to get close to you-"

Bill is cut off by the sound of the bathroom door opening. "Oh! Oops, my bad dude. Didn't know anyone was in here." I hear Soos say.

I sigh heavily, pushing my wet hair from my face. I peek my head out of the shower currant. "So you're saying you didn't hear the water running through the door?"

Soos shrugs his shoulders. "Nope! But I'll wait until your done. See ya later dude." He said while walking out.

A smirk plays it's way onto my lips and I pull my head back under the showerhead. "I think I found the idiot I can lead to their death...hehe." I chuckle while washing my hair and body.

"I forgot all about good old question mark! This is going to be hilarious to watch play out! Hahaha!" Bill laughs.

"Indeed." I said as I turn the water off and step out of the shower.

I wrap a towel around my waist and walk to my room. I open the door and walk inside, locking it behind myself. I drop the towel while walking to my dresser. I pull out black shorts and a black tank top along with some boxers.

I dry my body, putting on my clothes. I place the towel on top of my head and I walk down the stairs. I raise an eyebrow at everyone. No one was in the kitchen but everyone was in living room.

"Uh why is everyone..." I trail off while walking into the living room. I look at the tv blankly, the news is on.

"A crazed serial killer is still on the lose. The bodies that were found and identified as Robert Stacey Valebtino, Tambry, Susan Wentworth, and Pacifica Elias Northwest. The police hasn't figured out a clear motive nor how the murders could possibly be linked. I'm Jessica Jimenez leaving a warning: be at home before sunset, lock your doors and possibly your windows and stay safe. And now for the weather-"

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