Chapter 12: Torture

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Dipper POV

"AAAAAAHHHHH! GAA! HAAAA! STOP STOP PLEASE!" I cry out in pure agony.

Ford used one his syringes to push holy water into my blood stream....and oh God it's the most painful feeling I've ever felt in my life. He made it clear he would stop at nothing to slow down the demon process. My insides feel as if they are on fire, burning to ash but somehow remaining stable.

I cough up pools if blood onto the wooden floor, tears flowing down my face like a river. I glance at the table, rows and rows of sharp objects soaking in holy water. I pull again the ropes, weakly. The pain is becoming to much for me to handle.

I lost track of time. I can't tell if it's day or night, what month it is....I forgot the last time I ate anything....when was the last time I went to the bathroom?

My skin became unusually pale due to the amount of blood I've been throwing up. My body became skinner, my bones showing. The only piece if clothing I had left are my boxers. My tattoos would grow from time to time, upsetting Ford to no end.

The pain inside finally subsided, relief washing over me. The feeling, however, didn't last long. I watch as ford pulls out a knife, the blade long and sharp dripping in something glittery. The slight of it makes my stomach twist in disgust. I feel like I'm going to throw up again...

"I'm sure you know what this is Dipper." Ford said, holding the knife in front of my face.

I gag at the smell, turning my head. "Fairy dust." I hiss through my teeth.

"Correct. I'm going to explain to you everything I will be doing. Understood?"

"I'm not a fucking five year Ford. You don't have to explain anything....just do it." I choke out, my throat suddenly dry.

Ford didn't reply. Instead, he walks around to where he's standing behind me. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand as I sense the knife getting closer and closer to my back. "I'm sorry Dipper but this has to be done."

"Fuck y-" before I could finish, I scream to the top of my lungs while trashing around in the chair.

Ford has pressed the knife against the cipher wheel on to my back. I can hear the sizzling sound of my flesh burning. He guilds the knife into my skin, cutting the tattoo off my in sections. The pain is so excruciating that I begin to feel faint.

My vision blurrs as the sound of my skin slapping to the ground. I choke out a sob, my begs becoming nonexistent to Ford's ears. My body goes limp as my surrounds turn black.

Bill POV

I fall off my throne, landing on my knees. My eye unwilling wells up with tears. I place a hand over my throat, coughing up pools of blood. My eyes widen as my stomach steer with a feeling I hate the most.


Something is seriously wrong with my pinetree. I shouldn't have let him run off like that! He can't handle himself out there without protect! I try to stand but slip, landing in my own pool of blood.

"BILL!", I hear Pyronica shout in worry.

I raise my head to look at her with a glare. "W-Well don't just stand there...h-help me you-" I cough you more blood, crying out in pain.

Pyronica finally helps me up, gasping at the steam flowing out if my body in waves. "B-Bill....what in devil's name is happening to you?!"

"Pinetree...some-something is wrong with my pinetree...where is everyone e-else?"

"Everyone went to throw themselves into the border....they all got bored."

"G-go get them...and tell them to find my pinetree...and br-bring him back to me.." I groan, pain shooting up to my back.

"But what about the border? I thought that was our priority?"

I glare at her, making her float off the ground which makes me stubble. "Dipper is my priority! He is more important! Go find my pinetree or I'll gouge out your eye, shove it down that skinny throat of yours and watch you suffocate while ripping off your legs and arms slowly! Now go!"

She jumps, quickly nodding her head in fear. She jumps out the only exit and entrance. I steadily walk to Dipper's throne I created for him. I float up, sitting down. I lower my head onto my hands, rubbing my face roughly. How could I....let him go like that...and or what? My stupid STUPID reputation? To impress those idiotic demons I call my 'friends'. They're just servants.

Please be alright Dipper...please.

Dipper POV

I wake up a stinging pain from my back and bicep. I groan, hating the feel of something dabbing in my open flesh wounds. I slowly open my eyes, my vision adjusting to my surroundings.

"Dipper! You're finally awake!" I hear a loud cheery voice shout.

I cringe, knowing exactly who that voice belongs to. "Mable....why are you down here?"

"Grunkle Ford went to get a few more things and asked me to watch everyone misses you!"

I chuckle bitterly. "Oh really, who?" I question.

"Well...everyone you killed. Can't you see them? Pacifica is here.. Robbie, Tembry, Soos....even mom and dad...but they look unrecognizable." She pouts, dabbing more rubbing alcohol on my flesh making me hiss.

"The hell one is there." I say through my teeth, and I wish she would just leaves my wounds to be infected.

"......huh? Dipper there all right in front of you. I can only see them how they were last presented. They all have stab wounds....Soos as a hole in his head...and mom and dad look...really really scary. But! At least I get to still see them everyday. Thanks to Bill."

I nod my head weakly, hissing once more. "Mable fucking stop it hurts!" I shout.

Mable tenses, dropping everything onto the floor. She walks around now standing in front of me. I raise my head to look at her, tears falling from her eyes but she's smiling. She raises her hand in the air, bringing it down to my cheek roughly.

"I-Its ok bro bro! Once grunkle Ford fixes you, we'll be the mystery twins again! I'll be able to hug you and do tickle fights like me use to."

"When. We. Were. Twelve. Mable can't you see I want nothing to do with you? Can't you see I fucking hate you with every fiber of my being? I loathe you. In fact if you were to die right now, I wouldn't care. You're selfish! You think about no one but yourself! You think the world owes you everything when it doesn't! You always...dragged me around even when I said no. You would cry and throw a tantrum when you didn't get your way. Heh....and worse of always..ALWAYS choose boys over your own brother."

Before Mable would respond, the door opens. In walks Ford with a black back filled with God knows what. He places the bag on the metal table and motions a crying Mable towards him.

"What's the matter?" He ask her gently, making me scowl.

"D-Dipper....just h-hurry and fix him...please." Mable begs, glancing at me.

"I will Mable. I promise. Now leave because thing isn't something you can take watching."

"No." Mable said sternly, drying her tears. She turns to look at me with a weird smile that's start to read. "I want to stay and watch him get better."

Ford sighs, pulling two long metal sticks in the shape of a very skinny needle. He walks over to me, placing the two needles against certain spots on the top of my head. I tense, pulling at my rope restraints.

"I wouldn't move at all if I were you Dipper. This is sadly going to be excruciating. It's a method used on the mentally unstable patients. Hopefully, this works...."

With that said, he pushes the needles deep inside my head. The moment the needle reaches through my skull and inside my brain, my agonizing screams continue.

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