Chapter 3: Secrets

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Dipper POV

My grunkles thought it would be a great idea to take everyone out to eat. They claim it would bring us closer together and catch up on what me and mable been up to since we left. We are at the diner where Susan works.

I stare out the window with my chin resting in the palm oh my hand. I feel as if something bad is going to happen while I'm here. I just want to go home.

"So how has it been with you two kiddos?" Stan ask while looking at us, mainly mable.

"School was so much fun grunkle Stan! I met so many guys but they were all jerks. I made many friends that I'm still in contact with too! Prom was so much fun too. I had a pink dress and my date was so cute! Oh, and waddles had kids with another pig but we had to give them away...." mable said, pouting at the end.

"Well that's something. I would've gave those boys that did you wrong a knocking to! Haha!" Stan said while trying to flex the muscles that he barely has.

"What about you Dipper?" Ford ask while writing something about a two headed squirrel.

"Grow any chest hair?" Stanley jokes.

Mable giggles, "I highly doubt he has. I still have that small curly hair in my scrapbook."

I groan as I begin tapping my leg. "You know I'm not a fan of chest hair, or any kind if hair except the one on my head and face."

"Oh come oooooon Dipper! Lighten up." Mable pouts while nudging my arm.

I tense up and turn my head, giving her a warning look. Just how many times do I have to remind her not to fucking touch me?!

Mable stops, nodding her head. "Sorry dip dot."

"What happened just now?" Ford asked.

"Oh nothing! But yeah Dipper, do you or do you not have chest here? I bet it's still the same as it was when we were 12!"

Mable and Stan laugh while Ford was to focus on that damn squirrel. I groan, pulling my hoodie off in front of them. I look at there blank expression, my lips in a thin line. "Happy now?"

Mable and Stan look shock while Ford stares at me. "Oh wow Dipper I didn't know you had abs!"

"Well damn kid you did grow chest hair, even though it's stubble. Your one of those kids who shave chest hair." Stan sighs disappointly.

"Dipper what is that on you back?" Ford ask.

My eyes widen slightly but I keep my blank stare. "Nothing Ford."

"Mable what's on his back?"

Mable looks as her eyes widen. "U-uh....It's Bill's wheel grunkle Ford."

"Why would you get such a thing done to you dipper?!" He shouts.

"Quite down Stanford. Don't draw attention to us." Stanley comments.

I frown once more, quickly putting my hoodie back on. "I was bored and got drunk one night. Everything else is a blur after that...." I said lowering my head, memories of that day traveling back.

Mable coughs to clear the air. "I'm sure Dipper only got it because it looks cool!"

"Yeah....let's just order." Stan said.

"Oh hi Stanley!" Susan chirps.

Stan groans as Ford and mable chuckles. "We would like to order." Said Ford.

"Two pancakes." Said Stan and Ford.

"A pancake, eggs, and bacon!"

"Monster stack." I said, blankly.

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