Chapter 3: Hospital

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A while ago, Tweek had started a weekly hobby. He would draw Craig in a bunch of different poses he saw throughout the week.

Like if Craig was eating something, Tweek would draw it. This would usually happen on Sunday. Tweek would draw Craig, and Craig would comment on them. Craig always thought they were good, even if Tweek wouldn't see it.

Craig would often think about how he would be drawn that week. If he thought there was something Tweek would like to draw, he would try to make it look good.

And even when Craig was in the box, he would still think about it.

But Craig can't think of that now. Because as he is pulled by Clyde, and his eyes feel wide as he sees the building they are going to.

A hospital.

"Clyde? Why are we here?" he asks, confused.

Clyde doesn't answer but instead runs faster inside.

After that, Craig only hears white noise as Clyde asks to see someone, and when they finally get to the room, Craig sees them, the one person who he was afraid to see there.

The one person he didn't want to see there, lying in that bed, unconscious.

Craig could feel, for once in his life, a bucketload of tears fall from his eyes like waterfalls as he runs to the bed and grabs it.

Why? Because the person in that bed was Tweek, and he looked horrible.

He was all beaten up, with a black eye, and several cuts and bruises on him.

However, the worst of the wounds were the huge stab wound in his side, which, along with his legs, arms, and head, were bandaged up, bandages that were already soaked in blood and other fluids.

Tweek was also hooked up to a bunch of machines, one of which was a heart monitor that showed his heart was beating slowly.

"Oh god. Tweek. I'm so sorry!" Craig yelled as he hugged him, "What happened!?" he asked as he turned to Clyde.

Clyde sighs as he explains, "He was found in an alley. Someone heard him scream, and when they found him, he was like that."

Craig grabbed Tweek's hand. It was warm and soft. He held it tightly as he cried.

Craig wondered what he could have done to prevent this, "I could have protected him! I could have helped him! I....I shouldn't have ignored him. I-I...."

"Don't beat yourself up over it too much now," Clyde spoke, "He's not the only one who was attacked."

Craig looks at Clyde, "Who else was?"

Clyde takes out a newspaper, "One girl from our school, a grade below us. One boy, also from our school, same grade. And one boy that was the twin brother of the girl."

"They were all attacked?" Craig asks.

"Yep! Not nearly as bad as Tweek, though, but definitely some broken fingers and legs," Clyde replies.

Craig looks at Tweek again, 'Oh god.' he thought.

That's when Craig hears the door to the room open; he turns to see a doctor. The doctor had a clipboard in hand, and they went over to the bed Tweek was on, "Ok, sooo...." they started, clicking their tongue, "They should be fine, but it seems they will need a wheelchair for a while until they heal."

Craig nods then speaks up, "When will they wake?" the doctor checks their clipboard, "Dont know, the amnesia itself should be wearing off, but for when Tweek will wake up is.. uncertain."

They then check the machine and do something that Craig didn't understand, before walking out, but not before saying, "Let someone know if anything comes up." they then leave.

Craig sighs, and Clyde gets up from his seat, "I'ma get something for us to eat. See you later," Clyde says as he too walks out.

"Ok," Craig replies. Craig then looks back at Tweek, "I'm so, so sorry Tweek....I love you."

-So what ya'll think? Was it good? Anyway, see ya'll later! I hope ya'll have a good day or night.

-Word count: 681

Craig x Tweek, "My little twich."Where stories live. Discover now