Chapter 8: The attacker

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Craig was walking to Tweek's hospital room. The blood on his clothes was bleached out, and he was looking good.

As he opens Tweek's door, he sees a very twitchy boy, "Tweek?"

"Craig!!" Craig goes over, and Tweek attacks him with a hug, "Y-You're back!!"

"Of course, I am, Tweek." Craig holds him tightly, "I will never leave you. I promise."

Tweek snuggles in Craig's chest, "I heard what happened. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Tweek. You should ask that to the other person. I got them good."

Tweek looks up at him, "Craig... please... don't do bad things just for me. I appreciate that you want to get revenge for me, but please, I don't want you to throw everything away for me."

Craig cups Tweek's face, "Don't worry, Tweek. I'll be safe. Ok?"

Tweek nods, "Ok... yeah...."

Craig smiles and sits next to Tweek, "How are you holding up?"

"Scared.... It feels like he's still watching me."

Craig frowns, "Hang in there. I'll figure it out. No one hurts you and gets away with it."

Tweek smiles, "One of the nurses told me through the door that I could leave in a few days if I feel like I can."

"Good. That's good. Do you feel like you can?"

Tweek is silent, "They said I would need to be in a wheelchair if I do choose to leave. Not permanently, only for a few days."

"I could help you. If you want," Craig says.

Tweek nods, "Thanks. That would be nice." They keep talking when Tweek starts to feel hungry.

"You want me to go get you something?"

Tweek shakes his head, "The hospital food is horrible."

Craig thinks, "You want me to go get you McDonald's or something?"

Tweek smiles and nods, "That sounds nice."

Craig gets up, "I won't be gone for long. I'll be right back. Ok?"

Tweek nods, "Not for long.... ok."

Craig was at McDonald's, waiting in line. It was boring, and all he could think about was getting out of here and getting back to Tweek. He hoped Tweek was keeping calm or at least not too scared. Craig pulled out his phone, just to make the time go by a little quicker. He scrolls around a little when he sees something.

It's a news page on other attacks. He scans the pages, "A girl, a boy, a boy. Wow...." he sighs, "Geez, this guy is just going at it." Craig frowns, "I need to find this guy soon... for Tweek...." that's when he hears a scream.

He snaps his head and sees a girl being pulled into an alleyway, "Crap! That might be him!!" He starts running.

He runs to the alleyway and sees the girl trying to escape a person all in black, "Hey!!" the person turned to him. Craig grabbed them, "You! You are the one who hurt him! I know it!!" The person got out of Craig's grasp and runs. Craig gives chase, and they run into a supermarket.

Craig grabs them and punches them, but the person kicks him in the chest and gets out of his hands again. They run up some stairs to an employee-only location. Craig chases them and grabs them again, "You bastard!!" he throws him to the ground and starts punching him. The person grabs him and tries to pry him off. People on the ground level are panicking, and employees are running up the stairs to stop them.

Craig punches the person more, and the person tries desperately to get him off, "This is what you get, you bastard!!" the person rummages around in their pocket and pulls something out.

A taser, "Oh sh-" Craig was cut off by a sting of electricity running through his body and then the feeling of being kicked, but no feeling of hitting the ground. He's confused, and when he can move again, he looks around and finds that he's falling. The person had kicked him off the second story. He yells, but it's cut off by him hitting the ground hard. It hurt like hell, but he was alive.

He looks up and sees the person running off; his vision starts to go black, and before he faints, all he can think is, "Tweek. I'm sorry. I failed you." Then everything goes back as he sees people running up to him, trying to help him, and probably take him to a hospital.

-What do you all think?

-Word count: 748

Craig x Tweek, "My little twich."Where stories live. Discover now