Chapter 4: Journal

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Craig was pacing angrily, wondering what to do.

Clyde had come back with food a little while ago but then had to leave shortly after. Craig had stayed and finished his food hours ago. So now, he knew he was just thinking.

"Who would have done this!? And why!?" The more he thought of it, the madder he got.

That's when he punched the wall, "Why wasn't I there!?!?" he yelled.

Craig looks back over at a still unconscious Tweek, "Tweek. Oh god...." He goes over, "What happened? Who did it, hon?" he grabs Tweek's hand, "Who did it? Tell me. I'm sorry for ignoring you." he buries his head in Tweek's chest, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But please, just talk to me. Tell me who did this. Please just....wake up...."


Tweek just lay there, continuing to not move. The only sound in the room was the sound of the heart rate monitor beeping.

Craig reached his hand out and touched Tweek's hair and played with it, "How would you like....when you wake up....I get you coffee. You love that stuff." He stops and pulls his arm back, "I'll make up the lost time....I love you...."

That's when the door opens, and in comes a nurse, "Ok kid. It's time to go. Visiting time is over."

Craig looks over, confused, "There's still an hour left."

"Yeah, for adults and supervised kids. You're an unsupervised kid. It's time to go."

Craig turns around, "No....I'm staying....what if he wakes up and I'm not here?"

"He'll be fine." The nurse grabs him, "Come on. You need to go!"

Craig struggles but in the end, he ends up outside the hospital on the sidewalk, "Tweek...."

Craig walks home but stops as he passes by Tweek's home. He goes up to the door and knocks. Tweek's dad answers, "Oh Craig sorry. Tweek's not-"

"I know. Can I just go to his room? I left something here last time I was there," he asks.

"Oh um sure." Tweek's dad moves out of the way, and Craig enters and heads up the stairs to Tweek's room, but Craig didn't leave anything there. He just wanted to be in Tweek's room. To feel closer to him.

He enters the room and sits on the bed. He is silent as he looks around then an idea pops into his head, 'Maybe there's something here that can tell me what happened!!'

Craig gets up and opens some drawers and looks around his desk, but then he stops, 'Is this wrong? I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this...."

Craig thinks, 'I'm going to look at stuff that could help. I'm not going to invade his privacy any more than that.'

Craig looks around some more and then he spots something on his desk. He grabs it; it was a journal.

He's silent for a minute, just looking and thinking, before opening it. He knows Tweek started to keep a journal to help with his anxiety and that he draws in it, but other than seeing the drawings in it he never really saw it. He looked through the dates until he got to more recent ones. He started to scan the pages to see if anything interesting would pop up.

He didn't see much other than rantings and drawings. That's when he got to an entry that was written on the first day he had put on the box. He read it and it was rantings about the box, loneliness, and anxiety.

Craig frowns, reading how Tweek felt during that time made him feel guilty. He turned the page to some drawings Tweek made. It was just the box. Craig stops and is just silent for a while, "I'm going to make it up to him, I'm going to make it up to him, I'm going to make it up to him as soon as he wakes up.... that's a promise." he says to himself.

Craig looks back at the journal and reads more. It was just more of the same. The more he read, the guiltier he felt. That was until he got to one page. It was odd. It read:

I think someone is watching me. I feel eyes on me all the time. I hear footsteps behind me but then when I turn around I see nobody there. I tried to tell Craig but..well you know..the box.. I don't know what to do.

I'm probably just being paranoid. No one is there I just need to calm down. Is this why Craig is in the box? Cause I stress him out with my worries?

The rest of the entry goes on like this until ending abruptly.

Craig also noticed that these pages seemed to be wet in some spots. Craig thought about it for a minute before realizing it was probably tears, making him feel even more guilty.

He buries his head in his hands, "Oh god.... he was crying while writing this..oh god.." he closes the book and hides it in his jacket, and walks out.

'I'll read more at home. But for now..I need to think.' he thinks.

He walks out of the house, saying goodbye to Tweek's parents, and goes home, thinking.

-So what y'all think? Good?

-Word count: 890

Craig x Tweek, "My little twich."Where stories live. Discover now