Chpater 24: Found

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Craig's heart races as he stays hidden under the tablecloth, watching the person move around the room. He tries to calm his breathing, his mind racing to come up with a plan. The person seems to be searching through some stuff in the closet, not knowing Craig is there.

Craig watched as the guy took out his phone, Craig's eyes widened as he saw the light from the phone shine on the guy's face, it was Tweek's ex-boyfriend. Craig muttered under his breath, knowing he was in a dangerous situation, but also thinking this could be good. Maybe if he followed the guy, Craig could find out where he was keeping Tweek. Craig quickly took out his own phone and texted his friends.

"Don't come upstairs."

"Why?" Clyde texts back.

"What's happening?" Tolkien asks.

"You okay, Craig?" Jimmy adds.

"I found Tweek's ex. I got it, don't worry." Craig explains.

Craig then put his phone on silent and kept watching the guy. "I forget his name... I think it was Davin, right?" Craig sighed.

That's when Davin left the room. Craig sighed and carefully crawled out from under the table, thinking, 'I need to follow him.'

Moving through the shadows, Craig kept a careful distance behind Davin. Every step sounded loud in his ears, his heart beating in time with his footsteps. The hallway ahead was only slightly lit by the moon, shining through the windows. Craig was super alert, hearing every sound clearly.

Davin moved with a purpose, his attitude hard to read. Craig's mind raced, lots of questions swirling around. Why was Davin here? What did he do to Tweek? Craig's hands clenched in a mix of anger and worry. When they reached the top of the stairs, Davin paused and glanced around quickly.

Craig held his breath, pressing against the wall, his heart pounding. He hoped Davin didn't spot him. But Davin's attention seemed to be somewhere else. After a tense moment, Davin continued down the stairs, his footsteps disappearing into the darkness below.

Summoning his courage, Craig followed, taking careful steps. The stairs led to a dimly lit basement, cluttered with old stuff and a sense of secrecy. Shadows moved strangely on the walls as he moved through the space, staying close enough to follow Davin's movements, but far enough to stay hidden.

That's when Craig heard talking, "You know this would be so much easier if you just accepted it and came back to me."

"No! I'm dating Craig! And I love him! So stop!"

Tweek's voice showed determination as he stood up for himself. Craig felt proud even though he had to stay hidden. He strained to see who Tweek was talking to, staying back and keeping to the shadows.

Davin, Tweek's ex, seemed frustrated but also really desperate. "You're making a big mistake," he hissed, his anger barely controlled. "Craig can't protect you like I can. You'll see."

Tweek's strong response filled the air. "I don't need your protection, Davin. Craig cares about me, and I won't let you ruin what we have."

Craig's determination grew stronger. He felt a mix of emotions: angry at Davin for causing problems, worried about Tweek's safety, and really determined to make things right. He needed to find a way to show himself without putting Tweek in danger.

As Tweek and Davin continued their intense conversation, Craig's mind raced. He looked around the basement for something he could use to distract Davin, giving him a chance to get Tweek to safety. Old boxes, forgotten tools, and a dusty rug caught his attention.

With caution, Craig picked up a small stone from the ground and aimed it at a stack of boxes across the room. He threw the stone carefully, and it hit the boxes with a soft sound. Both Tweek and Davin turned their heads toward the noise, giving Craig the chance he needed.

Taking the opportunity, Craig moved behind an old bookshelf and reached for a discarded metal pipe. He knew he had to be careful. He took a deep breath and hit the metal pipe nearby, creating a loud clang that echoed through the basement.

Tweek and Davin turned toward the noise again, but this time, they were looking away from where Craig was hiding. Craig took a careful step forward, ready to act if he needed to.

Davin's frustration was obvious. "Stay here, Tweek. We're not done talking," he snapped before storming off to check the noise.

Tweek's eyes darted around the room, widening when he finally spotted Craig emerging from the shadows. Relief and surprise washed over him as he realized Craig was there.

"Craig?" Tweek whispered, surprised, "Craig!" he ran and hugged Craig tightly. Craig smiled and hugged him back tightly, picking him up slightly as well.

Craig then puts Tweek down, "Tweek, we need to get you out of here. Let's go before he comes back."

Tweek nodded, "Wait! Um...." Tweek lifts his arm to show a chain.

"Shit, ok, hold on." Craig grabs a rock from the corner of the room and starts banging on the chain.

After a few hard knocks, it breaks enough for Tweek to slip his arm out, and the two of them quietly made their way to the basement's exit. Their determination to protect their relationship and each other gave them the strength they needed.

-What do you all think?

-Word count: 899

Craig x Tweek, "My little twich."Where stories live. Discover now