Chapter 17: Tweek's file

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Nobody could find Tweek. A week passed, then 2 weeks, then 3 weeks, but no one found him. Craig was devastated; he needs to find Tweek, he needs to. People tried to comfort him – his friends, Stan's group, everyone – but Craig would just tell them to go away. He didn't want anyone's pity.

Tweek's parents still let Craig stay with them since they hadn't lost hope that Tweek was completely gone yet. They also didn't want him to go back to his horrible parents.

Craig thought he thanked them a million times. They were so nice; it's hard to imagine that they were the ones who put cocaine in Tweek's coffee. Still, Craig was appreciative.

His parents, the whole time he was getting his stuff, were talking to him, telling him that they hope Tweek was never found and that he was dead. Craig wanted to punch them all, except his sister; she just hugged him and told him she would miss him, "Don't worry. As soon as I'm old enough, I will come back and get you. Promise. I won't leave you here forever."

Tricia nods, "Thank you...."

"And promise me....that if you turn out to be gay that you won't tell them. We don't know how far they are willing to go to change someone. Ok?" Craig says.

Tricia nods, "Don't worry....I don't think I am...."

Craig nods, "This is the only time I am going to say this about someone's sexuality, but..good...."

That's when Craig left. He hoped he would never have to see his parents again, but he knew that he probably would have many awkward and perhaps dangerous encounters. Not that Craig cares anymore. He just wanted Tweek; that was all.

Craig spent his days in Tweek's room, which was supposed to be turned into THEIR shared room. He was going to find the guy that took him and make them pay.

But Craig didn't know where to start, where to look? Where to go? Luckily, he wasn't the only one looking for Tweek. There was one other person, other than the police, of course. Craig got a text; he looks at his phone, "Night?"

- Time skip. -

It was getting late, but instead of heading to bed, Craig was walking to a house. Whose house? Well, the person who texted him, of course. They were a friend of his, not in his group but still someone he hangs out with. Craig walks up to their door and knocks. He waits, and soon enough, they answer.

When the door opens, Craig is greeted by a kid his age, "Craig! Great to see you! Come in! Quickly!" they say.

Craig steps in. He smiles as the familiar scene of his friend's house greets him. He looks back at the person who answers the door and smiles weakly, "Thanks, Night."

Night nods, "Of course. I heard about Tweek. I'm so sorry."

Craig sighs and just hangs his head, "It's....fine." Craig forced out his fine, "What did you text me for anyway?"

"It's about Tweek actually....follow me." Craig is confused as he follows Night through their house. They go to a room, and Night opens a closet that reveals another room, a huge room filled with paper, pictures, folders, and other stuff scattered all over the place.

"What is this?" Craig asks.

"Things you will need to find Tweek." Night grabs something from the room and gives it to Craig, "I've been trying to get this guy for a while, but he keeps getting into situations where if I get him, I could hurt others."

Craig looked at the folder. It had a picture of Tweek on it, his beautiful blue eyes staring at the camera, and his beautiful golden hair seemed to be in all the right places. Craig felt tears well up in his eyes.

"Gees Craig. I've never seen you show so much emotion before, but then again, your boyfriend is gone, so it is understandable." Night pats Craig's back, "It'll be want something to drink?"

Craig nods, "Sounds nice...."

Night nods and heads out to get Craig something to drink. Craig sighs and sits down, "....Tweek...." he looks more at the picture before opening it and looking at the stuff inside.

It was loaded with stuff, pictures, police files, and printed-out conversations of the texts between the attacker and other people who seemed no better than them. Craig wonders how Night knew who kidnapped Tweek.

Until now, Craig didn't even know that the attacker was the same person that kidnapped Tweek, yet, Night did, but then again, they seem to have a lot of info on them, and Craig trusts them more than anyone right now, so he won't question it.

Craig closes the folder, and that's when Night enters the room again, "Here you go." They hand him a glass of water.

"Thanks, Night." Craig drinks it, "Should get going now, though, getting late."

"Of course. Goodnight, Craig....and good luck on Tweek."

"Thanks, sure you won't need this folder?"

"Na....I got copies."

Craig nods and gets up. Night shows him the door, and he waves one final goodbye and finally heads out, back to Tweek's home to lay in Tweek's bed and fall asleep, to have dreams about, you guessed it, Tweek.

-What do y'all think?

-Word Count: 897

Craig x Tweek, "My little twich."Where stories live. Discover now