Chapter 6: Waking up

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"Craig... Craig."

Craig is in the middle of a field, looking confused as he scans his surroundings. "Where am I? How did I get here?" Craig walks around, still puzzled; the field seems endless. Suddenly, what was once just wheat turns into beautiful sunflowers. Craig tries to see over them but isn't tall enough; all he can do is keep walking.


Craig turns to where he thinks the voice came from, "Hello!? Who is there!?"


Craig looks around frantically, "Hello!?"

"Craig. I'm right here. Look up."

Craig looks up to see... Tweek? He backs up a little, "Tweek!? Tweek!!"

Tweek lowers to the ground, and Craig hugs him tightly, "Tweek! You're-"

"You're dreaming."


"You're dreaming. I'm not real."

"But...." Craig holds Tweek tighter, "I.... I can't lose you again! Tweek.... I love you.. I'm sorry I ignored you! I'm sorry! Don't leave me again!!" He holds Tweek tightly, crying a little. Craig wasn't one to cry for anyone.

"Craig, you need to wake up...."

"No.... you'll leave."

"I love you.... I know that you do too...."

"I really do."

"Then show me...."

"Show you?" Craig asks.

"Yes. Show me that you mean it. Show me."

Craig is silent before he hears a voice, "Craig.. Craig.. Craig, it's time to get up. Craig."

"No! No! I don't want to!" Everything starts shaking, "Stop!! I'm not ready!! Stop!"

And then....

He woke up....

"Ah!" he turns to see his mom, "Mom! The-"

"He's awake!!" she yelled.


"Tweek! He's awake!"

"What!? He is!!??" Craig leaps out of bed and dashes to the door. Forgetting his hat and shoes but instead just ran out the door.

"Craig, your shoes!!" he didn't hear his mom; he just kept going. All the way to the hospital.

He ran in, "Is Tweek here!?" the receptionist just looked at him, "Um....are you a-"

"Boyfriend. I need to see him."

"" he ran off. He already knows the room; he just needs to know if he could go.

He went upstairs and threw hallways until he was there. He stopped at the door, and that was when he realized he had literally only his NASA shirt and some black pants, no shoes, no hat, and no coat, "I ran here barefoot....gees...." He shakes his head, "Tweek is on the other side of this door...." he smiles as he tries his best to kind of fix himself up, "Tweek.... wait I need to.... I need something." he looks around and sees a gift shop. He runs over.

Inside he sees some toys and flowers, "Perfect." he goes over to the person who works there, "What are the best flowers here?"

The person turns to him and points to some red roses, "I'll take them!!" the guy nods, grabs them, and gives Craig them, "$20" Craig grabs his wallet and gives him $20. The person takes it, and Craig runs off with the flowers.

He gets back to the door and breathes as he tries his best to kind of fix himself up. He opens the door, and there he was, Tweek. In a hospital gown and drawing, "Tweek...."

Tweek turns, "Craig?"

"Tweek!" He runs over, "How are you?"

Tweek smiles, "Good." he hugs tightly, "How long was I asleep?"

Craig hugs back, "Not too long. But long enough.... long enough.... And I'm sorry."

Tweek looks confused, "For?"

"The box...." Tweek frowns, "Oh....right..hey it's ok."

Craig shakes his head, "No. It's not.... I ignored you...."

"But it was.... it was because you were stressed..and...."

"And that's an excuse to Ignore my boyfriend for that long."

Tweek frowns, "You just feel guilty...."

Craig hugs Tweek, "Oh! Here!" he gives Tweek the flowers, "I got you these."

Tweek goes red, "O-Oh! T-Thank you!" he grabs them and smiles, "They're beautiful...." he smells them, "And smell great." Tweek snuggles into Craig's chest, "Thank you...."

Craig smiles back, "You're welcome." Craig starts playing with Tweek's hair, "I missed doing this...." Tweek closes his eyes, "....Do you remember anything?"

Tweek opens his eyes, "I remember.... a person in all black and a face mask.... chasing me..and.... I don't know.... I don’t remember anything else...."


"No.... I mean.. I know someone was following me for a while but.... No one believed me, and.... they never attacked me before.... at least not in person...." Tweek frowns.

Craig is silent, "Then show me." he remembered what dream Tweek had said, "Tweek...." Craig gets close to Tweek, "Do you mind if...."

Tweek shakes his head, "Go ahead." Craig kisses him.

They stay like that for a while before pulling away, "I love you.... I will find out who did this. I promise."

Tweek smiles and kisses him again, "I love you too.... and thank you.... thank you...."

-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 806

Craig x Tweek, "My little twich."Where stories live. Discover now