Chapter 11: Tweek's home

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Love is weird... really weird. It makes you do crazy things, really crazy things. It makes you do things you never thought you would do—things that nobody else thought you would do.

That was what happened to Craig. After a few days in the hospital, Craig was able to take himself and Tweek home. Butters had woken up and was still resting in the hospital. Kenny was with him the whole time.

As Craig and Tweek headed home, Tweek kept telling Craig he wanted to walk, but Craig kept telling him that he could once at home, surrounded by nice, safe, and fluffy pillows. Tweek, getting impatient, his ADHD acting up, said, "Craig?"


"Can we get coffee?"

Craig smiled; he had thought this would happen and reached into a backpack, pulling out some coffee he got from the hospital's café. "Here. Sorry, it's not your preferred one, but it's all they had." Tweek didn't seem to mind; he downed it faster than someone who hadn't drunk in centuries.

Tweek smiled at Craig, happy, "It's good but... not as good as my parents." He giggled, "I love you."

"I love you too, Tweek." They kept walking, and eventually, they got to Tweek's home. Craig knocked on the door.

After a few minutes, the door was unlocked and opened. It was Tweek's dad. "Oh! Craig! And son!" Tweek's dad hugged Tweek, "Come on in." They went in and saw Tweek's mom on a table with a bunch of papers.

"Mom!" Tweek yelled.

Tweek's mom looked up, "Oh! Honey! I'm so happy you're back! I'm sorry we couldn't see you at the hospital. The bills are eating us alive."

Tweek nodded, "It's ok, Mom. I get it."

Tweek's mom smiled, "We know that walking isn't easy right now. Which is why we moved your bedroom downstairs. We know it's only temporary, so not much is in it. Just a mattress and a few other things."

Tweek nodded, "Ok, thanks."

Craig sat down on the couch, "You should rest now, hon."

"But... I want to learn to walk again."

"We can do your stretches later. Cuddle?"

Tweek nodded his head fast, "Yes, please!!"

Craig smiled and picked Tweek up, "Come on." They snuggled on the couch, "I love you, my little twitch."

Tweek blushed, "I love you too~" Craig smiled.

"My little twitchy boy... so cute."

"Oh shh~" Tweek playfully hit Craig on the shoulder.

"Hehe~ Sorry." Craig smiled, and Tweek just rolled his eyes, also smiling.

"You're so stupid haha~" They snuggled some more as Tweek's parents smiled. It made dealing with the bills more tolerable for them.

Love is weird, too weird...

Craig stayed at Tweek's house for the night. He took Tweek to his new temporary room. It wasn't bad, small but cozy. It had a mattress in the middle with tons of blankets and pillows, a few stuffed animals on the side, and stacks and stacks of Tweek's parents' coffee.

Craig sat Tweek down, "Are you sure I won't be too much trouble?"

"No no! Of course not! I like you being here."

Craig nodded, "Ok... right. I still got to make up for all that time I spent ignoring you."

Tweek frowned, "It's not your fault, Cri-"

"But it is!"

"But it's not!! How would you have known!?

"I shouldn't have done it, to begin with! I could have just said something!"


"It's my fault!!!" Tweek was silent, "Tweek... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled."

"It's fine... just... cuddle with me? Please."

"Ok...." Craig held Tweek tightly, and they eventually, both, fell asleep, together.

-Sorry it's short, but what do y'all think?

-Word count: 609

Craig x Tweek, "My little twich."Where stories live. Discover now