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After finally arriving home, Tweek immediately jumped out of the car and into the house, embracing his parents, who were surprised but happy to see him.

The school celebrated, giving Tweek a nice, old, huge poster with the words "Welcome back!" Everyone's names were on it, even Stan's gang along with a couple of the goth kids.

Not everything was good; Tweek had some trauma. His parents thought it would be good to get him a therapist, which Craig thought was better than the group thing PC Principal had recommended. Tweek had severe social anxiety, and one-on-one therapy seemed better.

Tweek clung onto Craig more now, scared of others, feeling watched, and having panic attacks, though they were slowly getting better.

Some people didn't understand, asking questions, most out of curiosity. Others were horrible, like old people complaining about kids on electronics but instead complaining about why Tweek was scared of everyone, leading to uncomfortable situations.

"Why does he always have to be attached to you!? Doesn't he have a life of his own!?"

"Why do you have to be with him? Why don't you trust me?"

"I just can't deal with him always being there! Why does he have to always be with you!?"

"The trauma can't be that bad to where he can't leave your side for two minutes."

Craig responded, "Have you ever had a partner too scared to leave your side because someone kidnapped them and is now trying to get back into a normal routine? So I would recommend shutting up and minding your own business."

Tweek found it hot when Craig stood up for him. He cared about Tweek, and it made him feel cared for.

Maybe one day Tweek would heal completely, but for now, he learned to live with it, and with Craig by his side, it didn't seem too bad.

Now, Tweek sat on a hill with Craig, watching the sunset. Tweek put his head on Craig's shoulder, smiling. Craig grabbed his hand before getting a text from Night, checking in on them.

They texted back, "Doing good. Watching the sunset. Tweek is cute and relaxed. Might stay to watch the stars too."

Night replied, "You two have fun and stay safe."

Craig smiled, "No worries. Sleep tight, Night."

Tweek said, "See you tomorrow too, Night."

Craig then put down his phone and put his head on top of Tweek's as they watched the sunset and stars. "It's beautiful...." Tweek said.

"It is....but not as much as you, Tweek." Craig replied.

Tweek blushed, "Aww~ I-I..you're making me blush~"

"It's true. I love you, Tweek."

"I love you too, Craig."

"I promise to always be there with you. I also promise to one day marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and even beyond that. You are my everything."

Tweek looked into Craig's eyes, "Craig...." Tweek launched himself into Craig's tight hug, stars shining brightly above them, and with luck a few shooting stars, "I love you so much. Thank you for everything." Craig smiled down at Tweek, who was snuggling into his chest.

"I love you too....

My little twitch."

-What do you all think? Did you like the book?

-Final Word Count: 544

Craig x Tweek, "My little twich."Where stories live. Discover now