Chapter 25: Getting out.

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Tweek and Craig ran down the stairs to the first floor. Clyde, Token, and Jimmy were all waiting for them there. "Guys, I found Tweek!"

They all turned to him. "Tweek!"

Clyde yelled. "Are you okay!? Who took you!?"

Tweek was about to answer, but Craig started pushing them out the front door. "Move! No time to talk! We need to get the heck out of here!"

The guys nodded and ran out to the car. "Who drove you guys?" Tweek asked.

"No one." Craig explained.


"We should be dead." Clyde added.

Tweek stopped in front of the car. "Craig, what!? Please tell me you did not steal someone's car!"

"Okay, we did not steal someone's car."

"I mean..." Tweek sighed, "You know that's not what I mean! Whose car is this!?"

"Jimmy's dad, but that is not important right now! Get in the car, babe!"

"Okay! Right!" Tweek got in the car.

Craig then also hopped in the car and stepped on the gas, "Oh wait, the keys..." Craig patted his pockets. "Shit... I think I dropped them in the house!"

"Oh god, Craig!"

"Okay, okay. Don't panic! You guys stay here. I will go back in." Craig got out of the car and ran inside the house.

He looked around, "Where is it? Shit, shit, shit, shit." That's when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He turned around quickly to see Davin, "Shit... hey..."

Davin walked over to him. He had a sharp, broken pipe in his hand. "Where is my boyfriend?"

Craig got confused, "Boyfriend? You mean ex-boyfriend! You two aren't together!"

Davin seemed to get irritated by that comment, "He is my boyfriend! He loves me!"

"Uh... no, he doesn't. He fears you! He hates you! Especially after this! Who would like you after this!?"

Davin tightened his grip around the pipe, "Take that back!" he yelled through clenched teeth.

"Why should I? It's the truth, plus what are you? A child with anger issues? You're no better than Cartman, and at least Cartman doesn't kidnap his past boyfriends. At least I don't think he does. I don't know, he did turn that kid's parents into chili, but that's beside the point!"

Davin seemed to get even madder; his face was turning red in rage as Craig kept talking about Tweek.


That's when Davin hit Craig across the face with the pipe. Craig fell to his side. He put a hand to his face to feel a large cut across his face, it was pouring blood, some of it getting in Craig's eyes, all he could see was red. But not wanting to die, Craig got up and while wiping away the blood from his face, looked around for something to defend himself. "You motherfucker...."

Davin ran towards him, but Craig dodged out of the way in the kitchen. He saw a rack of knives and he grabbed one, getting into a defensive stance. "He doesn't love you!"

"Shut up!!" Davin went to strike him again, but Craig blocked it.

Craig then looked at the stairs, he saw the keys, just lying there. 'I need to get those keys and get the heck out of here!' he thought. He used all of his strength to throw Davin off him and to the ground.

Craig then ran to the stairs and grabbed the keys. Blood was flowing onto his hands, making the key slippery, but Craig was able to grip it. He then tried to run for the door, but Davin grabbed his leg. Craig fell to the ground, blood in his eyes, keys in his hand.

Craig yelled and tried to kick him off, but it didn't work. "Get off, damn it!!"

"No! I worked too damn hard for him!! Do you know how many blondes I had to attack before I could find him!? It was all to find him! I even wrote a bunch of insults on his locker so he would get scared and I could get him by himself!"

"You don't even know what his face looks like and you wrote all the shit!? And you say you love him!? Bullshit!! Get off!" Craig grabbed his knife tightly and swung it at Davin. It hit his hand, and Davin let go with a yelp.

Craig got up and ran to the car. Clyde saw him and yelled, "Oh my god! Craig, what—"

"No time! I can't see anything, so someone else drive!! Now!! We need to leave!" Clyde nodded, took the keys from Craig, and they both got in. Clyde put in the keys, stepped on the gas, and they sped off.

Tweek sat next to Craig, wiping blood off his face. "You did good, hon. Thank you, thank you so much. Does it hurt?"

"A little, but it's fine. Are you ok? Did he do anything to you?" Craig asks.

"No, I'm fine."

"Good." Craig held Tweek's hands tightly. "I love you, Tweek."

"I love you too, Craig. I love you too, and we will make sure to fix up that wound of yours."

"Yeah, sounds good. Once it heals though, I bet it will look pretty badass, right?"

Tweek laughed a little, "I bet it will, hon. I bet it will."

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-Word Count: 883

Craig x Tweek, "My little twich."Where stories live. Discover now