Part 2

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"What's wrong babe?" Harry said sitting up attentively.

I couldn't speak, the words wouldn't come out. My mouth just hung open, trying to push out the words in my mind. But I couldn't. I was in astonishment. All the people I've arrested are out loose. Could I just die?

"Sarah, talk to me." Harry pleaded grasping my hand.

I snapped out of my thoughts and gulped. "Uh, well um, the thing is..." I couldn't even say it without heaving as if I was having an asthma attack.

"Breath. It's okay. Just tell me what's wrong." Harry says rubbing his thumb against my cheek calming me down.

I took a deep, long breath. "Cindy just told me that everyone I've arrested in my career has escaped." I look up at him, scared of his reaction.

His eyes were wide his hand dropping from my face. His mouth was slightly open. His features shown of utter shock.

"Holy shit..." He said running his hand roughly through his curls.

I wanted to try to get him not to worry, but I couldn't. I was too busy worrying myself. I didn't know how I really felt right now. Maybe it was scared. Surely it was scared. But I wasn't sure what the feeling of fear necessarily was like. Until the mission where I almost lost Harry. I mean I've dealt with all these criminals before but not all at once.

"Don't worry." I try to reassure Harry. "I'm a professional." But even that didn't calm me down.

"But, I mean, it's all the people who hate you coming after you and only you." I saw his lips quiver as he spoke.

"It's fine, r-" he cut me off.

"It isn't fine, Sarah! These people want to kill you!" Harry yelled grabbing the attention of the other patrons which thankfully weren't many.

I didn't know how to respond. He was right. But I wanted to continue this conversation somewhere else. Somewhere where there were less wandering eyes.

"We could talk about this at home." And this time, I'd be the one driving.

Once we made it home, I immediately went into the kitchen to a worried Niall and Cindy. As soon as Cindy saw me she let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God you aren't dead yet." Cindy said flooded with relief.

"Nice to see you too." I said sarcastically peeling my coat off.

"Did any police authorities come yet?" Harry asked still worried.

"No. What's going to happen is that Sarah and I will be going to all the prisons where the prisoners escaped." Cindy explained.

"Isn't that over 15 countries?" I asked.

"Pretty much. Local police and FBI agents are also searching for the reason for these escapes." She continues.

Then I wonder myself. What is the reason for this escape? Did all of the people I arrested plan on escaping? Or was it coincidentally?

"When do we go?" I inquired to Cindy.

"Tomorrow at noon." She replies.

"But Sarah, we both just got on vacation." Harry said.

"I know babe, I just have to. It'll be best so nothing happens." I said.

He sighed then looked up at me. "I'm coming with you."

"No you're not." I ordered. "It's dangerous and you could get hurt."

"Do you think I'd be more safe here unattended or with you?" Harry asks.

He had a point. But he shouldn't come still. But I'd be more at ease if he was under my surveillance.

"Fine." I mutter.

"Yes!" Harry fist pumps.

"Hey, what about me?" Niall said still stuffing his face with pancakes.

"You're staying here. This is work related things." Cindy said to him as if he was a child.

"Why can Harry go?" Niall whines.

"Because I'm special." Harry says sticking his tongue out at Niall.

I rolled my eyes. "Because since he's my boyfriend he's in danger. But you're not."

"Fine." Niall gives in.

"I better go home and pack my things. And if I were you Sarah I would disguise yourself. This is all over the news." Cindy stretched out the word all as she spoke.

"What?" I say going over to the TV.

And to my surprise she was right. They had escaped and who knows who told them I arrested all those people but now everyone knows I'm a secret agent. Great.

"Has anyone heard of the word classified?" I say pointing at my face that was plastered on the television screen.

"At least you look adorable." Harry says trying to brighten the mood.

I sigh exasperatedly and slump into a stool. "Why does everything bad happen to me?"

"Hey." Harry and Cindy both whine in unison.

"Not you two. Cindy, you're a great partner and Harry you're a great boyfriend." I say.

"Well Niall and I are going to go home now. I better start getting packed." Cindy says pulling Niall away from a plate full of pancakes. I hear the door click closed behind signaling they've left.

I bury my face into the palms of my hands. "What am I going to do Harry?"

"I don't know." He replied honestly. "All I know is that you're clever enough to find a way out of this."

"What if I'm not? What if something goes wrong?" Then I think of the worst possible outcome. "What if you get hurt?"

"You shouldn't worry about me. I'll be fine. They have people watching me all the time." Harry said with a chuckle.

"Hold on. You'll need a disguise." I say getting up from my stool.

"Huh?" Harry asked confused.

"We don't need all the attention right now while we're on a confidential mission." I say. "And since you're probably one of the most famous 19 year olds out there after Justin Beiber."

"Hey." Harry said offended.

"You'll need a disguise." I finish my statement.

"Like, how much of a disguise?" He asks a bit frightened.

"You'll see." I reply mischievously.

But I didn't even know what he was going to wear.

---------------------------------------------A/N: Second part!! Woooo! I'm hoping to get as many reads on this one as I did on Harry Styles' Personal Spy. But that's honestly a lot to ask for. I know sequels don't usually get far. I'll try to update as much as possible but can't promise. Alright people. VOTE, FOLLOW, COMMENT AND KEEP READING!!!!!

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