Part 6

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The agency was a vast modern looking building in complete white. Just think of Men In Black. When Harry, Cindy, and I walked in everyone stood up and saluted us. I don't know why though. I saluted back and we were taken into a back office.

"Why hello Agent Parks and Agent Wilson. And friend." The man said in a Russian accent.

"Oh, this is my boyfriend Harry." I introduce Harry.

"He seems familiar." The man says twisting his mustache.

"I'm part of the band One Direction. We're internationally famous." Harry says shaking the man's hand.

"Real modest." I whisper in his ear.

"Well, you obviously know why you're here today and I'm very sorry of lack of security." The man continues sitting in his seat.

"So how many people escaped from here in Moscow?" I ask taking a seat with Harry and Cindy following my actions.

"About 40. Security tapes are being retrieved so you may be the first to see." He says.

"How about the guards watching during the time? Did they hear or see anything at all?" I question.

"Apparently not. We're very sorry about this." The man apologizes again.

"It's fine." I say.

Someone then rushes in with a videotape that I assume was the security footage.

"Here it is, sir." A man says handing the tape.

The tape was put into a VCR and played. We all watched closely. It was fixed on the outside of the prison. Then there was an explosion with dynamite. A helicopter lowered in for the prisoners whose cells got blown up to climb on. Then it rose out of the prison walls. After the footage stopped, everyone looked at me.

"How could no one hear that?" I say infuriated.

"I'm not sure Agent Parks but we're terribly sorry. But they heard nor saw nothing." The man said.

I thought of the options. "They might've gotten amnesiad." I say.

"Am-what?" Harry asked confused.

"Amnesiad. When you can't remember something." I say. "But the real question is, who's in that helicopter?" I say walking over to the television.

"We could try zooming in to get a better picture." The man said snapping towards someone to do the job.

"So have you seen any of the prisoners yet?" The man asked me.

"Um, well, I sort of for assaulted at the airport." I say.

"What? How?" He asks.

"Well, the person took my bag the same time I did then pulled out a knife and tried to stab me." I say casually.

"Are you alright Agent Parks?" He asks.

"Perfect." I reply.

Someone came in again rushing with zoomed in photos of the culprit in the helicopter. The man behind the desk handed them to me. All I saw was a blurry figure in a ski mask. Wonderful.

"We can't see anything. They're in a mask." I say handing the pictures back to the man.

"Do you think this person helped escape all the prisoners?" Harry asked.

Wait.... He has a point. This person could have rounded up all these criminals.

"C'mon. Lets go." I say getting up.

"Already? But you've just arrived Agent Parks." The man said getting up.

"I'm wasting no time. We have to go to India now." I say pulling Cindy and Harry out if their seats.

I rush outside to find James already waiting and head in. "Take us to the airport Jimmy."

"Already?" He asked starting up the can.

"Yes, now hurry! I don't want to waste time." I say.

Harry, Cindy, and I were dropped off at the airport and needed to find some last minute tickets to India. But how would we get them on such short notice?

"Excuse me?" I say politely to a man behind a counter. "Are there any last minute tickets to India I could buy?"

"Sorry, but they're all sold out." The man said not looking up from his computer screen.

"Is there any way I could get any?" I plead.

"You could see if any of the passengers would like to." The man said with his nose still into the desktop.

We hurried over asking other passengers if they could sell us their tickets. But no one would budge.

"We could just stay here the night." Harry said trying to comfort me.

"No we can't waste any time. All those criminals could be planning something. And I have to stop them before they could actually do the plan." I reply frustrated.

We all sat down. I saw Cindy tap on her chin trying to think of an idea. Then her face brightened.

"I got it!" She cheers.

"What is it?" I ask standing up.

---------------------------------------------A/N: Sorry wasn't quick with updating. Just went to a Taylor Swift concert a few days ago. Woo hoo! VOTE. COMMENT. FOLLOW.

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