Part 15

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"We are now on our decent towards beautiful Rio de Janeiro where the time is 3:27 PM and weather is 83 degrees Fahrenheit."

I hear the rambling from the intercom and awaken from my sleep. My eyes open slowly to see Harry looking down at me.

"You know, you look absolutely adorable while sleeping." Harry says with a smile.

"And you always know how to put me in a good mood." I say getting up off of Harry's lap.

He just gave me a smirk and put his headphones on. I looked out the window to see Rio below with its beaches and hills. It was so beautiful down there. I wish I was here for vacation instead of keeping my life.

We descended to the airport below and landed safely. Harry, Cindy and I went to grab our bags and even in the airport was it hot. It certainly wasn't only 83 degrees.

We called over a taxi and headed over to Rio's central prison where over 50 prisoners were arrested by me.

"Miss Parks. A pleasure meeting you." The head warden greets.

"Pleasure is all mine. And this is Harry and Cindy." I introduce.

As shaking Harry's hand, he looks up at Harry with widened eyes. "Oh, I know you. You're part of that boy band my daughter loves."

"Well I'm glad she likes us." Harry smiles.

"Um, anyways, any footage of what happened." Cindy asked acting professional.

"Ah, yes. Here's some security footage our guards have found." he says with a thick accent.

The TV flickers on featuring the normal exterior of the prison that suddenly blows up. A swarm of prisoners show up at the gaping hole in the side of the building as the same helicopter descends towards them as they all grab hold onto any part on the copter.

"It's the same damn guy behind all of this and I have no clue who it is." I say through gritted teeth, frustrated. "I mean, who outside of bars could have something against me?"

"Are you sure there's no one who would hate you or be after at all?" Harry asks.

I thought long and hard after a second. Who would want me dead? I mean the rest of my family was dead. Why would they want me too? Wait. I just answered my own question. "It must've been the guy who murdered my family."

"And who might that be, Agent?" the warden asks leaning forward in his chair.

"I don't know. I was so young. I don't really remember much from that day." I mumble out.

I was trying to remember everything that happened that day. All the tears. All the fear. All the blood. It was all too much for a girl to take in.

"Babe, don't think about it too much." Harry said sensing my tenseness.

"I'll try not to." I smile weakly.

"You really think that might be the guy? He wasn't arrested?" the warden inquired.

"I don't know if he was arrested for another crime but for this situation, no. He wasn't." I replied.

There was long lapse of silence until the warden broke it. "Well, would you like to look at the crime scene?" He asked.

"Um, sure." I replied, my head still in the clouds.

He lead us all to the cell where the dynamite was blown.

"Was anyone hurt here from the explosion?" I asked inspecting the hole.

"No. There were none reported." the warden answered.

"Who's cell was this anyway?" Cindy asked.

"It seemed to be one named Paco Rodriguez." he replied. "Does that named ring a bell, Agent?"

I thought back and it seemed like I remember this name. "Yes." I say dreamily thinking about what happened.

I was on a mission back when I was 17 here in Rio looking for a drug distributor that many bought from, even in the U.S. I remembered it so clearly. 'I bursted through the doors of the small shack connected to an abandoned warehouse.

"Put your hands up in the name of the law." I said firmly pointing my gun to a man who was trying put cocaine in boxes to ship out.

He looked up wide eyed and tried to dash out."What don't you understand about put your hands up? Levantas los manos!" I shouted chasing him.

He was headed for the back exitso went through the front and waited for him to get out the back. As he got out the door and tred to make a break for it, I pointed my gun at him again. "Freeze. No se mueve. Usted es arrestado." I said dragging his arms behind his back and hand cuffing him.

"Shit." He mumbled.

"Oh. So you do know English." I say dragging him to the car.

Arresting him wasn't wat made me remeber him. It was at the courthouse where I saw his family. He had a wife and a kid and he was getting arrested. They probably thought I was a monster for taking away their support. He was probably the only income of moeny for the family. It actually haunted me for a while but I never thought about it. Until now. He must really want me dead.

"Sarah?" Harry said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry. Just reminiscing is all." I apologize.

"Well, I'll leave you to investigate. If you need anthing just call." the warden said walking out.

Cindy examined the soot covering the brick walls, "Maybe if we find out what kind of dynamite they used we could find the producer and look through their files to find who bought it and search down the culprit and-" 

"No." I cut her off and caught her and Harry's attention. "That's not how we're going to catch them. They could've used an alias or an address that they are no longer located at."

"Then how do you propose we find the culprit?" Cindy asks.

"They want me, right?" I said.

"Yeah." they say in unison.

"Then it's me they'll get." I say with mischevous smirk across my face with confused looks from Harry and Cindy.


A/N: You all probably hate me because I haven't updated in forever. Well I'm sorry. I'm being so honest, I lost all of my ideas for this story. But I'm here now and I hope this part makes up for it and I'll hopefully have a few more parts up to finish the story. Yesterday was my borthday by the way so I thought I should give a gift to you. Keep reading, commenting and liking.

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