Part 4

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"So you got to ride in those cart things?" Cindy inquired in awe.

"Yeah. It really is as good as they say." I reply.

"And Harry got mobbed?" She asked.

"Actually he was about to but thank God for security." I say.

"I didn't mean to yell that I was Harry Styles." Harry said innocently.

"And security took you in the back because they thought you were faking?" Cindy continued to interrogate.

"Yes, yes. Now can I please sit in the window seat?" I whine.

Cindy sat a row in front of us while Harry and I sat behind with me at the window seat. This time I kept my laptop on my lap, not wanting to make the mistake again.

Cindy sat comfortably by herself until some thin and lanky looking boy sat down beside her with googly eyes. He was blowing his nose into a tissue looking incredibly sick. Poor Cindy. Harry just took out his headphones and an eye mask that had 'Beauty Sleep' written on it. Diva.

Cindy turned towards me with a pleading look but I was no help. No way am I going to catch a cold from Señor Snotbag. I myself began to look through my computer once we took off, trying to familiarize myself with the people I've arrested. I've honestly lost count. I've been going on missions ever since I was 13 years old. Over the spam of 5 years so much could happen. Actually 6 years in 2 weeks. I love how I'm going to potentially die before my 19th birthday.

And now I was sitting here staring at hundreds of people that I've handcuffed. But at least I've never actually killed someone. Shocking, right? I never really believed in killing someone. Threatening is a different story. When everyone thinks you're about to kill them, they'll surrender. That's what makes it easier.

I stopped scrolling down the list when I saw Jeremy and Genevieve's mugshots. And for once Genevieve did not look like she had just walked out of a magazine. I remembered the night where they had gotten arrested and what Genevieve mouthed me before she was sent to prison.

'This isn't the end.'

I wasn't really fazed by it when she had said it before. But now I was beginning to understand what that meant. She was probably out loose looking for me, completing the task she wanted to do before she was interrupted by Harry holding a gun to her head. She was about to blow up my face. The girl obviously hated me.

And Jeremy was holding a gun to shoot me too. Think about 300 other people doing that to me also. The stress was beginning to weigh down really heavy like a sumo wrestler.

I turned to the sleeping Harry who looked so peaceful. They'd all know by now I was dating Harry and go after him also. This time he wouldn't be a decoy. This time he could get killed.

The thought made my stomach churn and breath heavily. A flight attendant came probably hearing my heaving.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" She asked kindly.

"Oh yeah. I'm just a little woozy." I say, a headache kicking in.

"Would you like any type of medication?" She asked kindly.

Harry began to stir with the woman talking next to him.

"No, I-I..." Here it comes. I immediately grabbed the barf bag that was in the pocket of the chair in front if me. I hurled in that thing like there was no tomorrow. I think yesterday's pancake breakfast made a reappearance. When I was finished, Harry had fully awaken and given me a napkin. "Um, can you please throw this out?" I asked the woman.

She took it with scrunched up face, not wanting to touch the disgusting vomit. She scurried off leaving Harry and I.

"You all right?" He asked brushing my hair away from my face.

"Um, yeah just little stressed out." I say wiping away the swear accumulating on my forehead.

"You've dealt with all these people before, Sarah. You could do it again." He says rubbing my back, trying to reassure me.

"I know, but not all at once. Have you seen the people I've arrested?" I say pushing the laptop towards him.

He takes it and opens it up. As he scrolls through them, I can't help but see how his eyes widen.

"You arrested that guy?" Harry said pointing to a burly large man you'd probably be afraid to even look at or you'd get shot.

"Yup. I'm pretty sure that was when I was when I was 16." I say.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side." Harry said still wide eyed.

I giggled then slumped back in my chair. "Where we going right now?" I asked completely blank minded.

"I think Moscow, Russia." Harry replied still looking through all the criminals.

Oh Moscow. I know I've arrested at least 30 people back there. There was a lot of Russian mafias so there were usually big groups. I start to wonder how all those people escaped without being seen. I understand one or two but there were a lot. Someone must have spotted them.

"So do you think we'll have time to go sight seeing?" Harry asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No, it's all work Harry. This is serious stuff." I reply.

"C'mon. That'd be boring." Harry whined.

"We wouldn't have time either way. We're spending one night in Moscow then we'll be heading to India. We have a bunch more stops after that." I say resting my head on Harry's chest, exhausted just about thinking of my schedule for the next few days.

"It'll be fine babe. I'm here for you." Harry said running his fingers through my hair.

He kissed my forehead immediately making me relax. He really was my rock. Without a family, I really had nothing to lean on. I shut my eyes at the thought of my family being taken away from me in mere seconds. The monster who stole their lives will pay. But I have to focus on now and not live in the past.

I calmed myself down then fell into a deep sleep.

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