Part 9

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I heard Anna asking people for ID and passport and people rummaging through their bags to find it. If I was right, one person would crack and be found as a criminal.

I kept on piloting the plane before I heard an argument break out behind me. Anna and some male were fighting.

"You know what, fine. You wanna see my passport, I'll give it to you." The man said before I heard gasps. "Nobody move!"

My eyes widened and I gave Cindy full control over the plane. I stood up and ran over to where I heard the gasps and screams. I came to see a guy who looked vaguely familiar with a gun. Before he turned to see me, I pulled out my own gun.

"Freeze!" I yelled.

Everyone's focus now turned to me. The man turned with his eyes wide, stepping back from me. I followed him with his gun before his back hit a door of the plane. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. In a blink of an eye, the door of the plane opened and he vanished. Everyone began screaming.

"Settle down!" I bellowed to the entire before pulling on a para shoot.

"Sarah! Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"Getting that criminal." I say. "Stay here with Cindy."

"But wait-"

I gave Harry a soft kiss on the lips. "Bye Harry."

Then I jumped. I'll tell you, it wasn't a good day to wear a skirt.

In the distance I saw the man pulling off his jacket to show a para shoot underneath. I dove towards his direction before I heard a large amount of screams.

I turned to see Harry being an idiot as usual. I turned towards him before I yelled in his ear.

"What the hell Harry?" I said before guiding him towards where I was heading.

"I couldn't stay away from you." He said cheekily.

"Now's not the time for flirting Styles. If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to arrest someone." I said getting more aggravated by the second.

I again dove towards the figure in the air. I don't think he noticed anyone else was around. I tried to look for handcuffs but to no avail.

"Harry, do you have any handcuffs?" I ask. I never thought I'd ask my boyfriend that.

Harry began to look through his pockets. "I got this." He said pulling out those white zip things that's a pain to get off of new shoes.

"Perfect. Thanks." I said taking it from his hands. "You stay here, I'll be right back."

"Noooo." Harry whined.

"Suck it up. I'll be right back." I say before heading to the man's direction.

I come close up to him to grab his hand and swiftly wrap them in the white thing. I really need a new name for that.

"You're under arrest." I say.

"Shit." He muttered.

"Not fun to have the same person arrest you twice, now." I say actually prideful.

"No. Not that. Look down." He said on the verge of tears.

I looked down to see masses of water beneath me. My eyes widened and I immediately turned to Harry who caught sight of what was below us.

"Harry!" I yelled motioning him to come towards me.

I couldn't leave this guy to drown because he obviously couldn't swim with his arms tied behind his back. Harry came towards me and I locked arms with him.

"Pull the shoot now!" I yelled over the bustling wind.

Harry understood and pulled the two red handles and so did I. I held the guy underneath which wasn't easy. He wasn't the thinnest person ever.

We neared the roaring waves and for a second I didn't know if we were going to make it. But I had to try for Harry and this guy even though he wants to kill me. I shouldn't be selfish and leave him to die.

By now, I was a few meters away from the sea. All I could do now is brace for impact.


A/N: Thanks to my best friend Verina I put this part up for her birthday. So hope you like it and stuff. So yeah. Happy Birthday Verina!!

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